The Kiss by M. Robinson

The Kiss by M.Robinson

Title: The Kiss

Author: M. Robinson

Series: Playboy Pact #1

Release Date: February 16, 2021

Length: 210 pages

Genre: New Adult / Contemporary Romance

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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****My Review****

Rather surprisingly, but with this book I surpassed my previous record for the fastest-read book. Maybe because The Kiss by M. Robinson is rather short in length. And for no particular reason, this book reminded me of my high school days. Maybe that’s why I liked it so much. I just could not put it down…

It is often to discover an emotional story of an incredible friendship and youthful love. Yet, somehow this book was rather interesting to me. I couldn’t believe that I finished it in one sitting and it was hard to find words to express my enjoyment.

Some things are a bit unusual and unique, but because of their rarity, they are the most precious. Rare is the true friendship between a boy and a girl. Even rarer is the incredible connection of two hearts that breaks all stereotypes and prejudices.

But the moment of separation is approaching, and the feelings are starting to burst. What will happen when the truth becomes clear? The moment they recognize the true meaning of their feelings is approaching.

Those feelings that overwhelm them are much more than friendship, much more than love …
What to do when there is a pact and someone isn’t quite sure how to deal with the truth? By the time truth hits with all the strength, will it be too late?

The Kiss is a truly riveting best friends-to-lovers romance, with an extraordinary group of characters. We all know that M. Robinson is called the queen of angst, but she also proved to be quite talented in rom-com as well.

Filled with angst to the brims, enough drama, and lots of funny moments, this story is one of the best romance books I have read this month.

I also have to acknowledge the fact that the plot and story, in general, were quite common. Many authors take us on a journey between the past and the present, yet this gifted author gives us a full back story that runs seamlessly with the present.

Leo and Mila are well-developed characters, with enough depth to satisfy even the most peculiar reader. Their whole concept of being best friends forever, while everyone thinks something is going on between them was something that caught my attention from the very beginning.

Leo is a really funny and loyal guy, who manages to impress everyone with his cocky and witty remarks. His smartass attitude was really endearing, too. We even forgive him for being a womanizer. Owning who he is with pride, well aware of his needs, plans, and intentions, he is one interesting hero.

Mila is a fabulous heroine. Smart and sassy, ​​arrogant and stubborn at times, she is one excellent addition to the boy’s group.
And the chemistry between them was really explosive.

The cast of supporting characters such as Cain, Sawyer, and Ashton were perfectly interwoven in the whole story and added more depth and hilarious moments. With enough interesting moments involving them, this author surely knows how to intrigue us with future stories in the series.

Filled with great dialogues and snarky banter that will make you laugh, this book is a perfect choice for a relaxed afternoon read.

If you decide to read this book, get ready for an enjoyable journey, which will leave you satisfied, with a huge smile on your face, and warmth in your heart. The Kiss by M. Robinson is a story that will make you forget about everything around you and force you to devour it in one sitting.

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