If You Like Colleen Hoover

Authors similar to Colleen Hoover who write heart-wrenching romances….

I don’t know if something like this has happened to you. But when I fall in love with a certain story, I start reading everything the author has published.
Sounds a little crazy, doesn’t it?

But let’s be honest, in a sea of newly released books, sometimes it’s really hard to choose what to read next. At least this way, we hope that if one work is great, the others should be too.

Someone once told me it’s called the fear of the unknown. I’m not quite sure of the truth of that. But I must admit that certain authors rarely disappoint.

For example, all works by Judith McNaught are great for me, Jodi Picoult is also an author that I read often. Quite surprising, but Backman is also an author whose books are among my favorites.
Do you have a list of “EVERYTHING THEY WRITE I READ” authors?

Undoubtedly, each author has some unique features. Maybe it is a personal touch that no other can replace. Something that sets that author apart from all other authors. But we must admit that we can often find traces of similarities between two or more authors.

Maybe it’s about the emotion they convey through their words. Or the way they build their characters, similar traits, or conditions. Sometimes the descriptions are captured similarly or the difficulties their characters face seem familiar.

These days I read that more and more people are looking for authors similar to Colleen Hoover. If this sounds like you, you might be searching for what you should read next.

Therefore, I want to share with you a few authors who somehow reminded me of her writing style, although I cannot claim to have read many of Colleen Hoover’s stories.

Authors similar to Colleen Hoover

Mia Sheridan

Mia Sheridan is an author whose stories are an irresistible combination of true love and fatal attraction. I have read a few stories by her, but I would single out Archer’s Voice. A book that simply captivates readers with its mix of innocent love and unfulfilled dreams. All the elements of a perfect love story are masterfully interwoven throughout the pages, and the freshness that they carry in themselves will further delight every reader.

Helen Hoang

Helen Hoang is a great choice for all those looking for similar authors to Colleen Hoover. Romantic stories doomed from the start are her specialty. And that is somehow reminiscent of Colleen Hoover’s stories, isn’t it?

If you want to experience a truly heart-wrecking and emotional storm, then you should not miss The Bride Test by this author.

Penelope Douglas

Penelope Douglas is another author whose works are somewhat similar to Colin Hoover’s stories, especially in the emotional part.

This author can boast of a versatile oeuvre of love stories, which are read all over the world. Did you know that most of her books have been translated into 20 languages? That being said, it is already clear that this is a very high-quality selection of contemporary romance books.

Misconduct, Punk 57, Tryst Six Venom, Credence, and Birthday Girl are just some of her books. Whichever you choose, trust me you won’t go wrong.

Alisha Rai

If what draws you most to Colleen’s stories is the complexity of love relationships or incompatible couples or twists that can’t seem to get over, then take a read of one of Alisha Rai’s books.

The Forbidden Hearts Series, the name itself evokes forbidden love and difficulties at every turn, doesn’t it? And very similar to Reminders of Him, isn’t it?

Kris Ripper

What becomes truly distinctive about Colleen Hoover’s characters is that most of them face one or another mental conditions. She is slowly becoming one of those authors who aren’t afraid to build a romantic main character who is dealing with a particular mental difficulty or condition.

If this is what you like, I believe Kris Ripper’s works are also to your taste. They are very similar to Colleen Hoover. Everyday hardships plus mental state plus complicated romance equals the perfect literary treat.

Freida McFadden

Let’s also add something for those readers who were enthralled by Lyla and Verity. Undeniably The Housemaid is a book that is very reminiscent of Verity in certain segments. But this author has a whole range of psychological thrillers that will undoubtedly delight all lovers of this genre.
The Housemaid, The Inmate, and The Wife Upstairs are some of the stories that you will want to read.

Who is your favorite author?
If you think that a certain author should be on our list, please share it with us…

2 thoughts on “If You Like Colleen Hoover”

  1. Great article, colllating similar authors, it’ll be so helpful for anyone looking for other similar books. Or, avoiding! 😁

    I hated Verity- even when I read it before Housemaid, which I liked and I’ll possibly read one more of Freida’s books to see if I would read more of her books- thanks for the suggestion, they go in my TBR.

    1. Thanks very much for checking my post. I’d have to agree with you and Freida’s books are great. You should give her books another go 📚📚📚However, different people enjoy different stories 😊

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