The Girl in the River by Rita Herron

The Girl in the River by Rita Herron read

Title: The Girl in the River

Author: Rita Herron

Series: Detective Ellie Reeves #7

Release Date: December 6, 2022

Length: 446 pages

Genre: Mystery/ Thriller

Goodreads I Amazon

**** My Review*****

Too many books, but too little time, or so I tell myself every time I come across a great book that’s part of a series I’ve never heard of before. The Girl in the River by Rita Herron is the seventh book in a series of detective mysteries where readers have the opportunity to investigate together with detective Ellie.

Each book brings a new challenge, a new murder that needs to be solved in the shortest possible time, and vicissitudes that keep the suspense until the very end.

Every morning brings a new opportunity to create lasting memories. Some mornings are ordinary, but some mornings are special because they are the beginning of some unique memories.

Such was Detective Ellie’s morning, a morning which brought the special occasion to celebrate love and a happy union. The morning of her friend Mia’s wedding.

Indeed, special is the day when two hearts will beat in sync and two lives will merge into one. But instead of a joyful triumph of love, the guests are faced with the fact that the bride is gone, and not exactly from cold feet.

The quest begins. And the fear culminates when they find the body of a dead girl in the river. What happened? Why is that beautiful day shrouded in blackness?

As I mentioned at the beginning, this is the first time I have discovered a literary work by Rita Herron and I liked the story. The plot is quite interesting with quite short chapters which makes the book quick to read and therefore even more interesting.

Furthermore the action moved incredibly quickly. Yet each page contained enough suspense to hold your attention until the very end. Little by little, the author throws in small revelations, small secrets that further make readers guess and try to predict what is hidden behind all this.

To be perfectly honest, somehow I had the feeling that the more things were revealed, the more questions arose. The whole action is full of twists and shocking information that you can’t even predict.

And at the moment it was not clear to me how the author would manage to connect all the threads. But in the end, all the pieces came together and we get a complete insight into the case.

As I said before, The Girl in the River is part of a series. And although this book can be read as a stand-alone, I think that to understand the characters and their relationships, it is necessary to have an insight into the entire series. Somehow as I turned the pages, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was missing some backstory that I just couldn’t figure out.

I also think it would be much more interesting to read if the book was told from one person’s perspective. This made it a bit more confusing to follow from all perspectives.

All in all, The Girl in the River by is an excellent choice for all those readers who would like a little more mystery on their reading menu. An interesting plot, with a multitude of events and enough interesting characters, is quite enough to ensure a tense reading pleasure.

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