The Most Popular Reading Challenges

The Most Popular Reading Challenges

Have you ever been part of a reading challenge?

What is a reading challenge? It starts from a list of topics or ideas, usually one for each part of the chosen challenge.

Your task as readers is to compile a list of books that fit all the sections of the challenge and to read the books over a certain period.

Well, if you’re in the mood for this kind of reading, here are the five most popular reading challenges that every book lover should try at least once.

A to Z Reading Challenge

This is the most popular challenge among the reading community. Perfect for those readers who read more than 26 books a year.
For each letter of the alphabet, you choose a book that begins with that letter. For example, for A you can choose Anxious People, and Blue Jewellery is a great choice for B….

There is also another variety. Instead of selecting titles by letter, you can select books by authors whose names begin with a given letter. For instance, for A you can choose a book written by Amanda Quick.
Or maybe authors whose last names start with a certain letter, such as Backman is a great choice for B.

Numbers Reading Challenge

This one is an ideal challenge for those who would like to have some numbers in their book titles. Make a list of books that contain the numbers 1 to 12 in the title. You can choose more numbers, depending on how many books you want to read this year.

So, for example, for number 1, you can choose the book Just One Night. In Five Years is an excellent choice for number 5.

Decades Reading Challenge

A fantastic choice for all those readers who like to travel through time. To participate, you need to make a list of books whose actions take place in different decades.

Not only will you have the opportunity to enjoy wonderful stories, but you will also learn something more about the decades you have chosen.

For example, if you choose a book that happened in the eighties, you can freely choose The Vanishing Half or Paradise.

The Monthly Challenge of Award-Winning Books

The challenge lasts for a whole year and in each month one should read a book that won a literary award. So 12 books in 12 months. Nothing difficult, right?

You can choose from Goodreads’ award-winning books or some other award-winning contest.

Rainbow Reading Challenge

Very similar to Numbers Reading Challenges and A-Z, but instead of letters or numbers, here you choose books whose titles contain the color of the rainbow.

So yes, for red you can choose the Red Wolf, for purple, Violets are Blue, for blue a great choice is Blue Jewellery.

These are just some of the most popular literary challenges that circulate throughout the reading community. Without a doubt, there are too many reading challenges out there and they are all a great way to read as many books as you can while socializing and having fun.

And which of the challenges caught your attention?

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