Serpentine by Jonathan Kellerman

Serpentine by Jonathan Kellerman

Title: Serpentine Author: Jonathan Kellerman Series: Alex Delaware #36 Release Date:  February 2nd 2021 Length:  368 pages Genre: Mystery/ Thriller Publisher: Ballantine Books Goodreads  |  Amazon **** My Review **** To be completely honest, I’m not a fan of this genre. Not that anything, in particular, bothers me. But sometimes I simply can’t afford the luxury of

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Knocking Boots by Willow Winters

Knocking Boots by Willow Winters

Title:  Knocking Boots Author: Willow Winters Release Date:  June 15, 2020 Length:  223 pages Genre: Contemporary Romance Goodreads  |  Amazon                        **** My Review **** Well, after reading the ‘Merciless’ series, I became well aware that Willow Winters is a master of dark romance storytelling. But after discovering this gem, I am convinced that Willow

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Pledged to a Highlander by Donna Fletcher

Pledged to a Highlander by Donna Fletcher

Title: Pledged to a Highlander Author: Donna Fletcher Series: Highland Promise Trilogy #1 Release Date:  June 3, 2020 Length: 344 pages Genre: Historical Romance Goodreads ║ Amazon ****My Review **** It’s no secret at all that I’ve always wanted to travel back in time and discover societies that once existed, learn truths about people who once lived, cultural and social

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