Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica

Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica

Book Title: Local Woman Missing

Author: Mary Kubica

Publication Date: May 18, 2021

Length: 352 pages

Genre: Mystery / Thriller

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Goodreads II Amazon

***My Review***

Local Woman Missing is a thrilling and suspenseful novel by Mary Kubica that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Set in a small town, the story follows the disappearance of two women, one of whom has been missing for 11 years, and the other for just a few months.

The story opens with a poignant prologue, introducing us to the young mother Shelby, who finds herself in a dysfunctional marriage. Despite her husband’s abusive tendencies, she is no doormat and refuses to succumb to his toxicity. However, she has her own set of secrets, and at night, she turns into a runner, a cheater wife who meets her lovers in clandestine places.

On this particular night, after indulging in a quick making-out session with her new lover, she disappears without a trace. The reader is left with a sense of unease and a burning question: who could have taken her? As the story progresses, we are taken on a journey to unravel the mystery surrounding Shelby’s disappearance.

The author skillfully crafts a compelling narrative, infused with complex characters and a palpable sense of tension. The reader is immediately drawn into Shelby’s world and the dangerous game she plays. However, her fate remains shrouded in mystery, and the reader is left to speculate about the forces that led to her abduction.

The author’s use of descriptive language and vivid imagery adds a layer of depth to the story, making it a truly immersive experience. The reader can feel the emotional turmoil of the characters, and their struggles to come to terms with the harsh realities of life.

The novel is told from multiple perspectives, including those of the missing women, their families, and the detectives investigating the cases.
The story begins with the disappearance of Shelby Tebow, a young mother who vanishes without a trace while on a walk with her young daughter.

The police and the community are immediately on high alert, searching for any clues or leads that might help them find Shelby. As the investigation progresses, it becomes clear that there are many secrets and hidden motives at play, and that the people closest to Shelby may not be as trustworthy as they seem.

The second woman who has gone missing is named Meredith Dickey, who disappeared from the same small town 11 years earlier. Her case has long gone cold, but as the investigation into Shelby’s disappearance heats up, new information comes to light that suggests the two cases may be connected. As the two storylines converge, the tension and suspense only intensify.

Kubica is a master at creating complex characters and intricate plotlines that keep readers guessing until the very end. Each chapter reveals new clues and insights into the characters and their motivations, making it difficult to predict what will happen next. The novel also explores themes of love, loss, and the lengths people will go to protect those they care about.

As I mentioned before, the novel is narrated from four different perspectives and utilizes dual timelines, with two timelines from the past. Despite the complexity, the reader found it easy to keep up with the story. The plot is filled with numerous red herrings, which added to the suspense and intrigue.

The story begins with Delilah’s harrowing captivity and subsequent escape, which sets the tone for the rest of the novel. As the events leading up to Delilah’s disappearance unfold, her experience is always in the background.

The reader is hooked from the beginning to the end, constantly attempting to identify unreliable narrators and figure out angles. Although the novel presents several false leads, the reader is easily misled, demonstrating the author’s skillful storytelling ability.

One of the strengths of Local Woman Missing is Kubica’s ability to weave together multiple perspectives in a way that keeps the story moving forward while also deepening the reader’s understanding of the characters. Each chapter reveals something new, whether it’s a detail about the investigation or a glimpse into a character’s inner thoughts and motivations.

Without any doubt, Local Woman Missing has a unique narrative structure, featuring several timelines that are not presented in chronological order. The narrative shifts between present-day and various dates in the past, with multiple points of view from Delilah, Leo, his mother, and a neighbor.

The narrators are portrayed as resentful, unreliable, hurt, scared, tired, and confused, which adds to the terrifying atmosphere of the story. The reader can feel the fears of the characters, who find themselves in inescapable situations. The storytelling is chilling and foreboding, making it difficult for the reader to put down the book.

One of the standout aspects of the novel is its flawed characters. The author skillfully portrays the adults in the story as imperfect individuals with their own set of problems, adding a layer of complexity to the narrative.

While reading, the reader can empathize with the children who are in need of protection from their flawed adult guardians. Leo is a particularly memorable character, and the reader is left wondering how he will fare later in life. The epilogue provides some closure, which is appreciated.

The author’s ability to create an atmosphere of fear and tension is impressive. The reader can feel the palpable sense of danger that lurks on every page. The use of multiple timelines and points of view is skillfully executed, with each shift adding a layer of depth to the story. The novel is a page-turner, and the reader is compelled to keep reading to uncover the truth about what happened to Delilah.

The novel also raises important questions about justice and the criminal justice system. As the investigation progresses, it becomes clear that some people are more interested in protecting their own interests than in finding the truth, and that those with power and influence can often manipulate the system to their advantage. This adds another layer of complexity to the story and raises important social and political issues that are relevant to today’s world.

However, the story falls short towards the end. The reveal and resolution of the mystery feel out of place compared to the rest of the story. The ending feels somewhat clunky, and the pacing is off, which can be jarring for the reader.

Despite this, the characters are still memorable, and the story leaves a lasting impact on the reader. Altogether, this novel is an enjoyable and memorable read that will stay with the reader for a long time.

Overall, Local Woman Missing is a gripping and thought-provoking novel that will keep readers engaged until the very end. With well-drawn characters, a complex plot, and an insightful exploration of important themes, it is a must-read for anyone who loves a good mystery or thriller. Kubica has once again proven herself to be a master of the genre, and this novel is sure to be a hit with fans and newcomers alike.

2 thoughts on “Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica”

  1. This sounds like it has so much promise then falls a little flat at the end. I’m glad you were able to enjoy it overall, it sounds like a page turner for the most part.

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