Books or Movies – What Do You Prefer?

Of late, I’ve been hearing more and more about how movies have been much more helpful than books. The movies were well thought-out and time-saving. The experience was more exhilarating. Although books have been around for centuries, the film industry is becoming more popular. The young generation is not so interested in books. Some claim it is more practical to relax in front of small screens. Why read a book when you can watch the movie adaptation?

Books or movies - what do you prefer?

Never judge a book by its movie adaptation. This a famous saying, which I believe you have heard at least once by now.

But can the quality of adapted literary achievements on the big screen meet the standards of book lovers?

I believe that meeting the high standards of bibliophiles is really difficult. More often than not, readers have wondered if the director had even read the book. Do the film industry employees feel any responsibility towards the audience, especially towards those who enjoy traveling in the literary world? 

On the other hand, some readers straightforwardly want to experience the story through actors and stage and willingly make concessions in favor of commercialization, without blaming anyone. Or they merely want to enjoy watching the edited dialogue come to life on the television screen.

However, all these words mean nothing in particular. There are examples like The Godfather – a fabulous adaptation that attracted many more fans than the literary work. Or Harry Potter and the film package of 6 marvelous projects that achieved worldwide fame. It must also be noted that the quality of the books was forfeited during that process. Maybe Twilight, the television transformation became more famous than the books. It must be admitted that after the airing of the first part, many fans rushed into the reading water to find out what will happen next with their favorite characters.

What if we take The Hunger Games for example? The adaptation was the product of major cuts that couldn’t capture the essence of Susan Collins. Or maybe we’d like to talk about the timeless Les Misérables, compiled into 157 minutes of music? Hugo must be rolling over in his grave!

Many factors go into the process of adaptation of a particular work, but I honestly prefer books. Books capture all the complexity and beauty of a literary work. They allow me to let my imagination run wild and create my scenes and experiences. Books allow me to get to know the characters and experience their fate, at least briefly.

Books or movies - what do you prefer?

Books or movies – a question whose answer I do not even have to think about. I sincerely believe that no television adaptation will be worthy of the book. Some lines, perhaps insignificant at first glance, may bring insight into many things. Some descriptions, maybe long, but they carry the essence that we need to empathize with the work.

And yes, maybe the movies bring the characters to life but believe me that there are authors with such talent, who bring the characters to life with their words, so powerfully, so vividly, that you can almost see them in front of you.

I am a person who enjoys the written word, and no film adaptation will be able to capture for me the magic that lies between the pages of a well-written book.

Books or movies – what do you prefer?
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