Wreck My Plans by Kelsey Clayton

Book Title: Wreck My Plans

Author: Kelsey Clayton

Series: North Haven University #3

Publication Date: March 18, 2021

Length: 370 pages

Genre: Contemporary Romance / New Adult

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Wreck My Plans by Kelsey Clayton

*** Review ***

Wreck My Plans by Kelsey Clayton is a funny, entertaining, and angsty novel that surpassed all expectations. As the third installment in the North Haven University series, it can technically be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend starting with the Haven Grace Prep series and then progressing to this series to avoid getting lost in the web of characters and plots from previous books. The story revolves around Tye, whose traumatic childhood was rescued by her best friend Davianna and her parents. However, when Davi dies, Tye is consumed by anger and blame towards Carter, Davi’s ex-fiancé. Tye’s destructive tendencies lead her down a path of seeking revenge through escalating pranks on Carter.

Carter, who has always been attracted to Tye, carries guilt over Davi’s death and hides a significant secret from her to protect her from further heartbreak. Despite Tye’s relentless pranks, Carter remains unfazed and steadfast in his affection towards her. The dynamics between the two characters, their youthful banter, and the skillful handling of small time jumps and angsty moments by the author make for a captivating read. While the relationship is somewhat forbidden, given that Tye is the ex of her best friend, the taboo aspect is handled well and does not detract from the overall story.

As the title suggests, Wreck My Plans truly lives up to its name as Tye arrives at North Haven University with the sole intention of wrecking Carter’s life. The book is immersed in Davi’s lies, Tye’s revenge-driven pranks, and Carter’s undying forgiveness and support for Tye. Tye’s background of sexual abuse and her subsequent loyalty to Davianna blinds her to the truth about her manipulative best friend. Carter, on the other hand, must protect Tye, even when her actions cross legal boundaries. The book is addictive, as readers eagerly await each new prank, and the characters’ journey towards redemption and a happily ever after.

Kelsey Clayton’s character writing shines in this novel. Carter’s transformation from a former villain to a swoon-worthy hero is masterfully executed. Despite initial reservations, readers will find themselves besotted with Carter’s kind and compassionate nature. However, it is Tye who steals the show as one of Clayton’s most compelling and layered heroines. Tye’s fierce determination, sassiness, and impulsiveness stem from a place of deep vulnerability, and her journey of self-discovery and healing is heart-wrenching and relatable.

The book is addictive, filled with anticipation for Tye’s next prank. Tye is a complex and layered heroine, displaying bravery, determination, and impulsive behavior driven by her brokenness and loneliness. Carter, on the other hand, undergoes a redemption arc, transforming from a former villain to a compassionate and swoon-worthy hero.

The chemistry between Tye and Carter is intense, messy, and emotional. They share a connection forged through shared traumas and the process of confronting their pasts. The themes of redemption and forgiveness are central to the story, as both characters seek to redeem themselves and find forgiveness not only from each other but also from themselves.

At its core, Wreck My Plans explores themes of redemption and forgiveness, and Carter and Tye’s story beautifully captures these themes. Both characters grapple with past mistakes and seek forgiveness, not only from each other but also from themselves. The series as a whole delves into the transformative power of confronting pain and finding strength and identity through growth. While a deeper exploration of Tye and Carter’s shared past would have added even more dimension to their bond, the present-day storyline and their chemistry are undeniably intense and captivating.

Furthermore, Wreck My Plans by Kelsey Clayton explores the forbidden aspect of Tye and Carter’s relationship, as Tye is the best friend of Carter’s deceased ex-fiancée. However, the author handles this premise well, and the reader can understand and accept their connection. The book also touches upon themes of loyalty, friendship, and the complexities of love, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Tye’s past trauma of sexual abuse by her father adds depth to her character. She clings to Davianna and develops a strong loyalty that blinds her to the truth about her best friend’s manipulations. Carter, on the other hand, is patient, understanding, and deeply in love with Tye. He becomes a protective figure in her life, even when she goes to extreme lengths that deserve legal consequences.

While Wreck My Plans offers an engaging and emotional story, it may not be suitable for all readers due to its content. The book contains sensitive and potentially triggering subjects such as sexual abuse and trauma. Some readers may find these themes distressing or uncomfortable to read about. Additionally, the intense and impulsive nature of Tye’s actions throughout the story may not resonate with everyone, as her behavior borders on the line of legality and may be seen as problematic by some readers. It is important for potential readers to consider their comfort levels and triggers before diving into the book.

The North Haven University series, including “Wreck My Plans,” explores the growth and evolution of its characters as they confront their pain and mistakes. It delves into the concept that what defines a person is not the mistakes they make but how they grow and evolve from them. The book also hints at future stories, leaving readers eagerly anticipating what’s to come.

In conclusion, Wreck My Plans by Kelsey Clayton is a compelling addition to the North Haven University series. With its engaging plot, well-developed characters, and a perfect balance of humor and emotional depth, it is a book that will leave readers hooked from beginning to end. Kelsey Clayton’s skill in crafting redemptive arcs and multifaceted heroines shines through, making this a must-read for fans of angsty romances and stories of second chances.

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