When We Flew Away by Alice Hoffman

Book Title: When We Flew Away

Author: Alice Hoffman

Publication Date: September 17, 2024

Length: 304 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction


*** Review ***

A book that deserves to be read by everyone, When We Flew Away by Alice Hoffman, offers a poignant and richly detailed portrayal of Anne Frank’s life before she penned her famous diary. Hoffman, a bestselling author known for her lyrical prose, delves into the untold story of Anne’s early years, capturing the essence of her vibrant personality against the backdrop of a world descending into chaos.

In When We Flew Away, Hoffman brings to life the intricate details of Anne Frank’s existence before she and her family went into hiding. The book vividly illustrates the Frank family’s struggles and resilience in the face of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. With meticulous research and a deep sense of empathy, Hoffman explores how Anne’s life was transformed as the horrors of World War II unfolded around her.

Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl has long been a touchstone of Holocaust literature, offering a deeply personal perspective on the atrocities of the era. Hoffman’s novel, however, provides a unique vantage point, focusing on the life Anne led before her family’s confinement. It captures the moments of joy, curiosity, and youthful rebellion that defined Anne’s early years, painting a fuller picture of the young girl whose words would later resonate across the globe.

The narrative begins with the Frank family’s move to Amsterdam, a decision driven by the increasing persecution they faced in Germany. Hoffman skillfully depicts the mounting restrictions and dangers that encroach upon their lives, revealing the gradual erosion of their freedoms. Through Anne’s eyes, we witness the heartbreaking transformation of ordinary people into oppressors and the tightening grip of terror that eventually forces the family into hiding.

What stands out in Hoffman’s portrayal of Anne is her audacious spirit and boundless creativity. Anne is depicted as a dreamer, a strong-willed and observant child who, despite the grim circumstances, retains a sense of wonder and hope. Her sister, Margot, provides a contrasting presence—more reserved and rule-bound, yet equally affected by the events around them. Their relationship deepens as they confront the harsh realities of their situation, illustrating the powerful bonds of family and sisterhood.

One of the most striking aspects of When We Flew Away is its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions. Hoffman’s writing is both heartwarming and heartrending, filled with moments that elicit laughter, joy, and profound sorrow. It’s a testament to Hoffman’s skill that she can evoke such a deep emotional response while also honoring the historical context of Anne’s story. The book serves as a loving tribute to Anne Frank, adding new layers of understanding to her legacy.

As an English teacher who has taught The Diary of Anne Frank, I found When We Flew Away particularly compelling. The novel offers a fresh perspective on Anne’s life, making her experiences relatable to younger readers. It’s crucial for students to see Anne not just as a historical figure but as a real person who experienced the same joys, fears, and dreams as they do. Hoffman’s novel accomplishes this beautifully, giving readers a sense of Anne’s normalcy before it was so brutally taken away.

Hoffman’s work is thought-provoking and devastating, encouraging readers to root for Anne even though we know her tragic end. The relationships and experiences portrayed feel authentic, capturing the complexities and emotions of a family living under the shadow of impending doom. The novel reinforces Anne’s enduring message of hope and belief in the good in the world, even in the face of unimaginable evil.

I am grateful to have read this book for several reasons. First, as someone who has always been drawn to Anne Frank’s story since reading her diary, I cherish any work that does justice to her memory. Second, as a parent and a teacher, I appreciate finding quality literature that my children and students can both enjoy and learn from. When We Flew Away meets these criteria splendidly, offering a poignant glimpse into the life of Anne Frank that is both beautiful and heartbreaking.

For adults and younger readers alike, When We Flew Away offers a powerful reading experience. It’s a book that not only complements The Diary of Anne Frank but also stands on its own as a significant work of historical fiction. Hoffman’s ability to humanize Anne Frank and depict her life with such depth and sensitivity is truly remarkable.

Aimed at middle-grade readers but resonating with all ages, When We Flew Away is a testament to Alice Hoffman’s storytelling prowess. It captures a brief but significant period in Anne Frank’s life, reminding us of the importance of remembering and honoring all that was lost during the Holocaust. This is a book that will leave you with a renewed appreciation for Anne Frank’s writings and a deeper understanding of the human spirit’s resilience in the face of darkness.

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