Vicious by V.E. Schwab

Book Title: Vicious

Author: V.E. Schwab

Publication Date: September 24, 2013

Length: 366 pages

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Vicious by V.E. Schwab

*** My Review ***

“Vicious” by V.E. Schwab is a captivating and adrenaline-inducing journey that leaves readers breathless and eager for more. The story follows Victor and Eli, two brilliant and ambitious college students whose lives take a dark turn when they embark on a daring experiment to discover if extraordinary abilities, known as EOs (Extra-Ordinaries), exist. As their paths diverge, Victor becomes an escaped convict seeking revenge, while Eli rises to become a respected and feared figure. In a web of ambition, jealousy, and betrayal, the narrative unfolds across two timelines, revealing the intricate layers of their complex friendship and the consequences of their pursuit of power.

Set in a near-future world, Vicious grips readers from the very first page, immersing them in a suspenseful and brutal atmosphere. The novel delves into the depths of human nature and the potential darkness that lies within, as ordinary individuals grapple with extraordinary abilities. Schwab’s compelling storytelling and masterful pacing keep readers on the edge of their seats, effortlessly navigating the intricate time shifts and maintaining a tension that builds throughout.

As the story progresses, Schwab raises thought-provoking questions about power, morality, and the nature of heroism. Through the journeys of Victor and Eli, readers are challenged to reevaluate their perceptions of good and evil. The characters’ internal struggles, hidden motives, and complex relationships add depth and emotional resonance to the narrative, keeping readers captivated and invested in their fates.

With addictive prose and an evocative writing style, Vicious propels readers forward, demanding their attention and leaving them craving more. Schwab’s ability to craft compelling worlds and multidimensional characters shines through, as she weaves a tale that explores the consequences of unchecked ambition and the limits of friendship.

One of the novel’s greatest strengths lies in its characters. Schwab crafts complex individuals whose depth and backstory are revealed gradually, adding to the intrigue and captivation. Their actions, interactions, and dialogue speak volumes, creating a dynamic and multifaceted cast. The reader is left craving more, as every piece of the characters’ pasts is unveiled, enticingly building the story’s layers.

Vicious catapults readers into a world that lives up to its promises—a twisted tale of ambition, jealousy, betrayal, and superpowers set in a near-future backdrop. Schwab’s writing style is addictive, demanding to be read and compelling the reader to turn pages eagerly. This compulsive readability is difficult to define, but it undeniably exists within the pages of Vicious. The book is a testament to Schwab’s storytelling prowess and leaves one wondering if her other works possess the same enchanting spark.

Although categorized as adult/new adult rather than young adult, Vicious explores themes that transcend age brackets. It delves into the complexities of superheroes and supervillains, challenging the notion that the line between good and evil is always clear. The exploration of ambition, betrayal, and jealousy among characters who are too clever for their own good is truly captivating. The dynamic between the protagonist, Victor, and his friend-turned-enemy, Eli, is a prime example of the fine line between heroes and villains, keeping readers fascinated by the blurred boundaries.

The novel skillfully alternates between the present and events that took place ten years ago, intertwining the past and present narratives. We witness Victor’s journey from a bright university student to an escaped convict seeking revenge. The complex friendship between Victor and Eli, teetering between admiration and bitter jealousy, adds layers to the story and highlights their obsession with power and their personal interpretations of right and wrong.

The narrative structure, employing alternating timelines, adds to the book’s mystery and allure. Schwab’s careful crafting of the plot keeps readers guessing, gradually revealing the interconnectedness of events and characters. The pacing of the story is impeccable, maintaining a sense of anticipation and ensuring that readers are consistently engaged. Despite the multiple point-of-view approach, which can sometimes result in less enjoyable perspectives, Schwab manages to make each character’s viewpoint equally captivating, further enhancing the overall reading experience.

Moreover, the narrative structure of Vicious, with its alternating timelines, adds an extra layer of complexity and excitement to the story. Despite my initial concerns about potentially getting lost or confused, Schwab’s masterful handling of the time shifts proved unfounded. Each transition between timelines is seamlessly executed, allowing readers to effortlessly follow the story while maintaining a taut sense of suspense. The deliberate placement of past and present events not only deepens the intrigue but also sheds light on the characters’ motivations and the consequences of their actions.

One of the standout elements of Vicious is the exploration of power dynamics and the consequences of playing god. Schwab delves into the darker aspects of human nature and raises thought-provoking questions about the allure and corruption that power can bring. As the characters navigate their newfound abilities and their thirst for control, the line between heroism and villainy blurs, forcing readers to confront their own preconceived notions of morality. This nuanced exploration of power dynamics adds depth and complexity to the narrative, elevating Vicious beyond a mere superhero tale.

Schwab’s writing style in Vicious is addictive and immersive. The prose is sharp, evocative, and laced with a palpable sense of urgency that propels the story forward. The author’s skillful use of language effortlessly captures the atmosphere of each scene, be it the brutality and suspense or the intricate emotions of the characters. The result is a narrative that pulls readers in and refuses to let go until the final page.

The atmospheric world-building in “Vicious” is yet another testament to Schwab’s prowess as a writer. The author creates a brutal, suspenseful, and vicious ambiance that draws readers in and refuses to let go. The fusion of sci-fi and fantasy elements with a touch of realism adds to the chilling effect. Schwab’s ability to evoke a sense of dread and uncertainty is commendable, as she explores the depths of the human mind and its potential for darkness. The atmosphere lingers long after the final page is turned, leaving a lasting impression.

In addition to its compelling plot and engaging writing style, Vicious also shines in its ability to evoke strong emotional responses from readers. The intricate and evolving relationships between the characters evoke a range of feelings, from empathy and admiration to suspicion and fear. The complex friendship between Victor and Eli, in particular, is a highlight of the novel. Their shared history, intertwined ambitions, and eventual rift are portrayed with depth and authenticity, leaving a lasting impact on the reader.

Overall, Vicious is a captivating and thrilling novel that excels in its storytelling, atmosphere, and character development. V.E. Schwab’s ability to craft a thought-provoking narrative while maintaining a fast-paced and addictive reading experience is truly commendable. With its exploration of power, morality, and the complexities of human nature, Vicious transcends the confines of the superhero genre, offering readers a tale that is as intellectually stimulating as it is emotionally satisfying. It is a testament to Schwab’s talent as a storyteller and a must-read for fans of dark and compelling speculative fiction.

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