Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Book Title: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

Author: Gabrielle Zevin

Publication Date: July 5, 2022

Length: 416 pages

Genre: General Fiction

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

***My Review ***

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin is a captivating novel that explores the complexities of human relationships, the power of friendship, and the role of gaming in our lives. The story follows Sam and Sadie, two young people brought together by their love for gaming, and how their friendship evolves over three decades.

Young Sam and Sadie’s chance meeting at the hospital is the beginning of a friendship that will change their lives forever. Through their shared love of gaming, they are able to connect on a level that transcends the physical pain and emotional trauma that brought them to the hospital in the first place.

Their friendship thrives for a time, but eventually, one of them feels betrayed and they go their separate ways. Eight years pass before fate intervenes and brings them back together again. Their mutual passion for game-making leads to a successful partnership, but their newfound success comes at a cost.

As they navigate the cut-throat world of gaming, Sam and Sadie find themselves at odds with each other, plagued by jealousy and resentment. The once-close friends are now separated by hurtful misunderstandings and miscommunications. Enter Marx, a steadfast and loyal friend who becomes the glue that holds them together.

Marx is the kind of friend that everyone wishes they had. He is the voice of reason, the mediator when tensions run high, and the best friend that anyone could ask for. Sam, in particular, looks up to Marx and tries to emulate his example when he’s at a loss for how to proceed. But will he succeed?

As someone who isn’t particularly familiar with the world of gaming, I was initially hesitant to dive into Gabrielle Zavin’s book. However, I was quickly drawn in by the beautiful writing and smart storytelling that transcended the gaming world and explored universal themes of human connection and growth.

As I already mentioned, the story revolves around the lives of Sam and Sadie, whose friendship was initially sparked by their shared love of gaming. As someone who has experienced the transformative power of connecting over shared interests, I found their story to be incredibly relatable and engaging.

While the gaming world serves as the backdrop for the story, it’s the characters’ emotions and experiences that truly drive the narrative. As someone who values human connection above all else, I was deeply moved by the depictions of friendship, love, betrayal, and forgiveness.

Even for someone who isn’t a gamer, the story is full of universal themes that anyone can relate to. The joy of achieving success, the pain of loss and betrayal, and the struggle to overcome misunderstandings and differences are all experiences that I have personally gone through, and I’m sure many others have as well.

Moreover, the story paints a poignant and realistic portrait of human growth and the inevitable changes that come with it, particularly in the realm of friendships. But don’t expect a predictable trajectory, for their lives are anything but linear.

At times, you’ll find yourself disagreeing with some of their life choices, while rooting for their successes in others. There are moments when the uneventfulness of their careers may leave you bored, only to be whisked away by the vivid worlds they create in the following chapter.

Despite its lack of traditional plot structure and pacing, you’ll find yourself inexplicably drawn to Sam and Sadie’s lives. As the pages turn, you’ll begin to care deeply for these two characters and the intricate web of relationships that surround them. This raw and complicated narrative is a beautiful reminder that life is messy, and not everything goes according to plan.

Zevin’s writing is sharp and insightful, capturing the nuances of human behavior and the intricacies of relationships with great skill. It is also incredibly immersive, drawing the reader into the world of the story and keeping them hooked until the very end. The narrative spans three decades, but Zevin never loses sight of the characters at the heart of the story. Even when they are physically apart, their connection remains palpable. The characters are fully fleshed out, each with their own flaws and strengths, making them feel real and relatable. The dynamics between Sam, Sadie, and Marx are particularly well-drawn, with Marx serving as the heart of the story.

What sets this novel apart is its exploration of the world of gaming. Zevin is clearly knowledgeable about gaming culture and its place in society, and she weaves this knowledge seamlessly into the narrative. Her descriptions of the games Sam and Sadie create are imaginative and engaging, and the parallels she draws between gaming and real life are thought-provoking.

One of the novel’s greatest strengths is its ability to balance humor and sadness. There are moments of genuine humor throughout the story, particularly when the characters are discussing gaming and the various quirks of the industry. But there are also moments of great sadness, particularly when the characters are grappling with loss and loneliness.

What’s most impressive about Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is how it manages to be both a love letter to gaming culture and a deeply human story about friendship and connection. It’s a novel that will appeal to readers of all backgrounds, whether they are gamers or not.

However, the novel is not without its darker moments. Zevin doesn’t shy away from exploring the loneliness, jealousy, and resentment that can arise in relationships, particularly when success is involved. The novel’s conclusion is bittersweet, but ultimately satisfying, with Sam and Sadie finally finding a sense of closure after years of misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Overall, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a powerful novel that will stay with readers long after they’ve turned the final page. This book is a great example of how storytelling can be a powerful medium for exploring the human experience, even when the setting is something as seemingly niche as gaming. It’s a testament to the enduring power of friendship, and a poignant reminder that success is not always what it seems. Highly recommended.

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