This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger

Book Title: This Tender Land

Author: William Kent Krueger

Publication Date: September 3, 2019

Length: 497 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

Rating: 4 out of 5.


This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger

***My Review ***

This Tender Land, written by William Kent Krueger, is a beautifully crafted novel that takes readers on an unforgettable journey through the heart of America during the Great Depression. This stunning piece of literature is both heartwarming and heartbreaking, as it explores themes of loss, redemption, and the power of human connection.

At the center of this novel are four orphaned children who are forced to flee from the Lincoln Indian Training School in Minnesota. The children, Odie, Albert, Mose, and Emmy, embark on an epic adventure down the Gilead River, with the hope of finding a new home and a better life. Along the way, they encounter a colorful cast of characters, each with their own unique stories and struggles.

One of the most powerful aspects of This Tender Land is the way in which it explores issues of identity and belonging. The four children at the heart of the novel come from vastly different backgrounds, but they are brought together by their shared experiences of loss and trauma. Throughout their journey, they grapple with their own sense of self and the ways in which their pasts have shaped them. This theme of identity is handled with sensitivity and nuance, and it adds a layer of depth to the novel that is rare in contemporary fiction.

Krueger’s writing is also notable for its lyrical quality. The novel is filled with beautiful prose that is both evocative and poetic. The author has a gift for describing the natural world in a way that is both vivid and enchanting. The river that the children journey down becomes almost a character in its own right, and the descriptions of its twists and turns are nothing short of breathtaking.

What sets This Tender Land apart from other coming-of-age stories is its ability to explore complex and nuanced themes. The novel delves into issues of race, identity, and the ways in which individuals grapple with their own sense of purpose in the world. The characters in this novel are complex and flawed, but they are also incredibly resilient and capable of great acts of kindness and love.

As the children journey down the river, they are forced to confront the harsh realities of the world around them. They witness firsthand the devastating effects of poverty and the ways in which it can tear families apart. But they also discover the power of human connection, and the ways in which individuals can come together to create a better world.

Another aspect of the novel that deserves praise is the way in which it handles the issue of race. Set in a time when segregation and racism were rampant, the novel does not shy away from these difficult topics. The children encounter characters of various races and backgrounds, and the author does not shy away from depicting the prejudices and injustices of the time. However, at the same time, the novel also celebrates the power of human connection to overcome these barriers. The friendships that the children form transcend racial divides, and they learn to see each other as individuals rather than as stereotypes.

This Tender Land is also notable for its sense of place. The novel is set in the Midwest during the Great Depression, and Krueger captures the spirit of the time and place perfectly. The descriptions of the landscape and the people are so vivid that readers will feel as though they are right there beside the characters. The author’s love for the region and its people shines through in every page, making the novel a joy to read.

Krueger’s writing is masterful in its ability to paint vivid pictures of the characters and the landscapes they encounter. Through his descriptions, readers are transported to the very heart of America during one of its most tumultuous times. The author’s attention to detail is impeccable, and every sentence is crafted with care and precision, making the reading experience truly immersive.

Finally, the novel’s characters are some of the most memorable and well-drawn in recent memory. Odie, Albert, Mose, and Emmy are all unique individuals with their own distinct personalities and backstories. They are flawed and imperfect, but they are also incredibly resilient and brave. The friendships that they form along the way are heartwarming and genuine, and the reader will feel a deep connection to each of them.

While This Tender Land is an exceptional novel, there are a few potential negative aspects to consider. One such issue is the pacing of the novel. At times, the story may seem to move too slowly, particularly in the beginning. Some readers may find that the story takes too long to get going, or that there are sections that drag on unnecessarily. However, for those who are willing to invest the time, the slow pacing can also be seen as a strength, as it allows the reader to fully immerse themselves in the world of the novel.

Another potential issue is the length of the novel. At nearly 500 pages, This Tender Land is a substantial read, and some readers may find it daunting. The novel requires a significant time commitment, and those who are looking for a quick, easy read may find themselves put off. However, for those who are willing to invest the time, the length of the novel can also be seen as a positive aspect, as it allows the author to fully develop the characters and explore the themes in depth.

Finally, some readers may find the novel’s ending to be overly sentimental or contrived. Without giving away any spoilers, the conclusion of the novel is undeniably emotional, and some readers may find that it veers too far into sentimentality. Additionally, some may feel that the ending is too neat and tidy, and that it does not fully reflect the complexities and ambiguities of real life. However, this is ultimately a matter of personal taste, and many readers will find the ending to be satisfying and emotionally resonant.

Overall, while there are a few potential negative aspects to consider, they are relatively minor in comparison to the novel’s many strengths. This Tender Land is a stunning work of fiction that is sure to captivate readers with its masterful writing, complex characters, and timeless themes. It is a novel that deserves to be read and appreciated by a wide audience, and it is not to be missed.

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