The Runaway Man by Kelley Tantau

Book Title: The Runaway Man

Author: Kelley Tantau

Publication Date: September 26, 2023

Length: 256 pages

Genre: Mystery / Thriller

Rating: 4 out of 5.


The Runaway Man by Kelley Tantau

*** Review ***

Kelley Tantau’s debut novel, The Runaway Man transports readers into the heart of New Zealand’s wilderness, unraveling a tale of escape, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of a troubled young man named Nick Greene. This review delves deep into the narrative, exploring the intricate characters and the author’s captivating writing style that brings the story to life.

The story opens with Nick Greene, a 24-year-old enigmatic character, finding refuge in a forest park in the peaceful town of Quince. The author skillfully draws us into Nick’s world, where he has fled from an undisclosed past, seeking solace among the rugged beauty of nature. Tantau’s writing style is immediately engaging, with a simplicity and fluidity that effortlessly captures the essence of Nick’s isolated existence.

However, Nick’s solitude is shattered when an encounter with an irate fisherman disrupts his newfound peace, setting off a chain of events that propel the narrative forward. This initial clash serves as a catalyst for the unfolding drama, transforming what could have been a tranquil escape into a suspenseful and gripping tale.

The central character, Detective Abbott, adds depth and complexity to the story. Abbott, a world-weary investigator from Nick’s hometown, becomes embroiled in the case. His apparent apathy towards the missing man is called into question, as he is haunted by the shadows of a past failure in a similar case back in 1997. This nuanced portrayal of Abbott’s character adds a layer of intrigue, as readers are left wondering whether he will redeem himself or be consumed by his demons.

As the plot thickens, a dead body is discovered in the forest, intensifying the police investigation and putting immense pressure on Abbott to find Nick. Tantau’s narrative is character-focused, and she expertly delves into the psyches of her characters, revealing their inner turmoil and complexities. This character-driven approach lends a bleak and haunting quality to the story, painting a vivid picture of individuals battered by life’s hardships.

Nick’s flight from Quince leads him to a larger town, where he takes refuge in a dilapidated motel that has a reputation for sheltering the lost and hopeless. Here, he forms a profound friendship with his neighbor, Marina, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that surrounds him. The author masterfully explores themes of isolation and the yearning for human connection, making readers deeply empathize with Nick’s journey.

Tantau’s writing style is nothing short of exceptional. Her vivid descriptions not only bring the New Zealand landscape to life but also provide insight into the internal struggles of her characters. While The Runaway Man may not be a fast-paced thriller, it compensates with its profound character development and the way it intricately unravels the psychological intricacies of its protagonists.

The overarching theme of the novel revolves around the idea of escape and the enduring consequences of one’s past actions. Nick’s story serves as a poignant exploration of how far one can run in an attempt to flee their past and whether it is ever truly possible to break free from its grasp. Tantau skillfully weaves this theme into the fabric of the narrative, leaving readers with much to ponder.

In conclusion, The Runaway Man is an outstanding debut novel by Kelley Tantau. It is a testament to her ability to craft a character-driven narrative that delves deep into the human psyche. While it may not offer high-octane action, it more than compensates with its beautifully rendered characters and the haunting atmosphere that permeates the story. For those who appreciate excellent writing and a narrative that lingers in the mind long after the final page, this book is a must-read. With its bleak narrative feel and focus on the depths of solitude, The Runaway Man earns a well-deserved four-star rating, leaving readers eagerly awaiting the next installment in this promising series.

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