The Maid’s Diary by Loreth Anne White

Book Title: The Maid’s Diary

Author: Loreth Anne White

Publication Date: March 1, 2023

Length: 369 pages

Genre: Mystery / Thriller

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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The Maid's Diary by Loreth Anne White

*** My Review ***

“The Maid’s Diary” by Loreth Anne White

“The Maid’s Diary” by Loreth Anne White is a gripping and twisty crime fiction novel that kept me enthralled from the first page to the last. The story is told from multiple points of view and timelines, unraveling a complex web of secrets and suspense. The author skillfully weaves together various plot threads, delivering a unique mystery that keeps readers guessing until the final reveal.

The strength of the book lies in its well-developed characters. Kit, the maid with a snooping problem and a traumatic past, is a fascinating protagonist. Her discovery in her client’s home sets off a chain of devastating events, and her character is both flawed and compelling. I also found myself drawn to Mallory and Benoit, the homicide cops investigating the case, who have their own intriguing backstories. The author’s ability to create likable and complex characters adds depth to the narrative.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that each chapter of “The Maid’s Diary” begins with a countdown to the murder, providing a sense of urgency and heightening the suspense. This clever narrative device keeps readers engaged and eager to uncover the truth behind the impending crime. However, I found that the chapters told through Kit’s diary entries were the least enjoyable for me personally. Perhaps it was because the revelations and events in these sections were somewhat predictable, diminishing the element of surprise.

Despite this minor setback, the overall impact of the countdowns and the interplay between different narrative perspectives contributes to the book’s compelling structure. The plot is full of twists and turns, and the pieces of the puzzle gradually come together, leaving readers eager to uncover the truth. I was particularly impressed by the final reveal, which took me by surprise and showcased the author’s skill in crafting a compelling mystery.

Furthermore, the author’s descriptive prose transports readers to the affluent neighborhoods of Vancouver, immersing them in the opulence and twisted dynamics of the Norths and Rittenbergs. The dual timelines and multiple points of view, including diary entries from an ambiguous time period, may sound complex, but White handles them skillfully, ensuring that the story remains engaging and easy to follow.

One of the highlights of “The Maid’s Diary” is the relentless suspense that permeates the narrative. The countdown to the murder, combined with the missing bodies and the mysterious circumstances surrounding the crime scene, keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The sense of urgency intensifies as Detective Sergeant Mallory Van Alst unravels the secrets and connections between the characters. It’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions and revelations, with every page fueling the desire to discover the truth.

Despite the absence of particularly likable characters, the cast is well-developed and complex. Kit Darling, the maid with a snooping habit, is a deeply flawed and intriguing protagonist. Her internal struggles and traumatic past add depth to her character, making her both relatable and enigmatic. Mallory and Benoit, the homicide cops, also shine as they navigate their own personal challenges while attempting to solve the case. White’s ability to craft multi-dimensional characters adds authenticity to the story and enhances the overall reading experience.

However, it’s important to note that “The Maid’s Diary” tackles sensitive subject matter, including sexual assault. The use of this theme as part of the revenge plot may be uncomfortable for some readers, and it’s worth considering personal boundaries before diving into the book. While it adds a layer of darkness and realism to the story, it’s essential to approach these scenes with caution and ensure they are handled responsibly.

While the book explores dark themes and contains elements of a domestic thriller, it also addresses relevant topics and incorporates a refreshingly multicultural cast of characters. The setting of the luxury suburbs of Vancouver adds to the atmospheric quality of the story. However, I must mention that one aspect of the revenge plot, involving sexual assault, left a negative impression on me. This plot element may be disturbing for some readers and should be approached with caution.

In conclusion, “The Maid’s Diary” is a captivating and fast-paced crime fiction novel that will keep readers hooked from beginning to end. Loreth Anne White’s ability to create intricate mysteries and compelling characters shines through in this book. Despite the reservations about the handling of sensitive topics, the novel delivers a thrilling and unpredictable narrative that will satisfy fans of the genre. With its suspenseful atmosphere, clever twists, and well-crafted storytelling, “The Maid’s Diary” establishes Loreth Anne White as an author to watch out for.

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