The Largest Library In Europe

Undoubtedly, libraries and bookstores are the most magical places in the world for every bookworm. They could sit for days and weeks choosing among all those wonderful titles waiting to be discovered.

Libraries and bookstores can be real tourist attractions as well. Probably because bookworms love to discover these magnificent places that hold books that are decades or even centuries old.

I’ve already written about the best libraries in the world, but have you ever wondered where the largest library in Europe is?

The Largest Library In The World

The answer to that question is The British Library in London. It may not be the prettiest library in terms of looks, but it is the largest library in terms of the huge selection that can be browsed and read.

This library has 150 million books, manuscripts, diaries, newspapers, audio and music recordings, magazines, and drawings. Therefore it is not surprising that it attracts about 1.75 million visitors annually. About 3 million new things are added annually.
Fortunately, it has enough space to accommodate more than 1200 readers and has shelves with a total length of 625 km.

The library employees claim that if one visitor goes and looks at 5 things every day, then it will take him 80,000 years to look at the entire collection.

The “Diamond Sutra” is also located there. That is the oldest printed book according to the knowledge so far and is often exhibited in the galleries of the library.
There you can also take a peek at one of the most important historical documents of all time, the Magna Carta, and music lovers can find handwritten lyrics from The Beatles.

This might surprise you, but as far as age goes, this library isn’t that old, considering how many older libraries there are. It was established in 1973 as a result of the British Library Act which was passed in 1972.

It is the largest public building to be built in Great Britain in the 20th century and its modernist style is still controversial and sparks various discussions.

This library is open to all visitors. If you have a chance to go to London, go there and enjoy the manuscripts on display that are centuries old. Among them are the manuscripts of “Beowulf”, “Jane Eyre”, etc.

The Largest Library In Europe! Imagine yourself walking through those shelves containing such old books and manuscripts. Real food for the soul!

1 thought on “The Largest Library In Europe”

  1. Pingback: The Oldest Library In The World - Lost in Bookland

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