The Kiss Thief by L.J. Shen

The Kiss Thief by L.J. Shen

Title: The Kiss Thief

Author: L.J. Shen

Release Date:  January 6, 2019

Length:  320 pages

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Goodreads  |  Amazon

**** My Review ****

So many mixed emotions and feelings …. hate and love, fidelity and infidelity, lust and rejection, revenge and forgiveness …… are intertwined in an interesting mixture, which makes you turn page by page, eagerly awaiting the end of this sweet and sour romance, and yet you want it to last longer.

Is the light of a new love strong enough to drive away the darkness of the years spent with a single driver – revenge? Can the desire for a better tomorrow overcome all obstacles, shrouded in blood and pain?
And we meet him, an infinitely irritating, handsome, and attractive devil, who has the power to release the flames of hell with just one breath. He, Wolfe, is powerful, self-assured, with a dose of impatience and rudeness that makes you scream in frustration and try to hate him as he slowly introduces you to that world of his, filled with a single desire – revenge. You see his indecency, arrogance, and cruelty. And you want to condemn him for the not-so-famous actions that shock you, and yet you fail to reject all that knowledge that you get from the few cracks in its infinitely perfect shell, you do not want it but somehow you understand and accept it. And you do not manage to condemn him, as you slowly discover all those layers of his character that manage to make you believe that there is something, something that looks like a rough diamond. Rough on the outside but a real gem on the inside.

And she, Francesca, a delicate flower in a glass vase. Guarded and protected all her life only to be used as the most ordinary chess piece, an ordinary pawn in the game of the powerful men. Collateral damage, disenfranchised in every sense, without the opportunity to fight. She has not even started living, at the age of 19, and she already feels that life is ending. The rift between her father and the man to whom she has to swear allegiance. Torn between the tender, childish love for Angelo, whom she assumed was the love of her life, and the pleading passion and developing feelings for her husband. The one, who tried to destroy her. So quiet and peaceful, and yet we can not characterize her as weak. She is strong. And are not deeds always stronger than words spoken? If that is the case, then Francesca speaks through her deeds and uses every chance given to her to grab a piece, to regain something that has been taken away from her.

This author’s writing and storytelling are mesmerizing and just downright magical. The plot is intricately woven like a beautiful tapestry. It’s complicated and intriguing. Unexpected twists on every turn. And the character development is simply fabulous. Francesca and Wolfe are an unlikely pair, but at the same time, perfectly matched. It is more than obvious that they are complex individuals, not suited at the fist sight. Yet, they bring out the best in each other, challenge each other, and understand one another like no one else.

The Kiss Thief is much more than just a romantic book. Parts of mythology intertwined with modern themes and beliefs, the power that lies within ourselves, as the only ones who govern the helm of their lives. The power of love can elevate you to the seventh heaven or completely destroy you.

So many aspects that force you to devour every word, every sentence of this amazing book. The Kiss Thief is a must-read for every reader who’d like to spend few hours with an excellent enemies-to-lovers story.

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