The Housemaid Is Watching by Freida McFadden

Book Title: The Housemaid Is Watching

Author: Freida McFadden

Series:  The Housemaid

Publication Date: June 11, 2024

Length: 400 pages

Genre: Mystery/ Thriller



This is a book I was eagerly anticipating ever since I finished The Housemaid’s Secret. Freida McFadden has a knack for weaving thrilling tales that keep readers on the edge of their seats, and The Housemaid Is Watching is no exception. This third installment in the series brings back Millie, now older and wiser, but still caught in a web of suspense and intrigue that makes it impossible to put the book down.

The story picks up 11 years after the events of the second book. Millie is now married to Enzo, and they have two children: Ava, a bright and mature girl, and Nico, a lively and sporty nine-year-old. The family’s move to a suburban home on Long Island seems like a dream come true. After years of saving and hard work, they finally have the space and stability they’ve always wanted. But, as with all good thrillers, the tranquility of the new neighborhood is only a facade.

From the outset, McFadden sets the tone with an opening prologue that hooks the reader immediately. I found myself giddy with excitement, even showing off the first line to friends who were envious of my early access to the book. The initial pacing may be a slow burn, but it effectively builds anticipation. McFadden skillfully plants seeds of doubt and suspense, making it clear that the quiet cul-de-sac is anything but serene.

Millie’s excitement about their new home is palpable, and her eagerness to make friends with her neighbors is relatable. However, this enthusiasm quickly turns to suspicion. Mrs. Lowell, their seemingly friendly neighbor, exhibits strange behavior, especially around Millie’s husband. Her maid, Martha, is equally unsettling with her cold stares and scrutinizing looks. McFadden brilliantly captures the tension of suburban life, where the facade of perfection often hides darker secrets.

As the plot unfolds, Millie’s unease grows. Her husband Enzo’s jest about hiring Martha as their maid stirs memories of Millie’s own dark past, making her question everyone’s intentions. The mystery deepens when Millie notices a shadowy figure watching their house and her son Nico begins to act out of character. The sense of foreboding is tangible, and McFadden’s writing keeps the reader guessing about what will happen next.

The second half of the book is a whirlwind of twists and turns. Just when you think you have a handle on the story, McFadden pulls the rug out from under you. I found myself gasping and even dropping my Kindle at some of the shocking revelations. The intensity of the narrative ramps up, making it impossible to stop reading. I ended up devouring the latter half of the book in one sitting, completely engrossed in the unfolding drama.

One of the strengths of The Housemaid Is Watching is McFadden’s ability to develop her characters. Millie, in particular, is a complex protagonist whose growth over the series is evident. Her determination to protect her family and her struggle to leave her past behind make her a compelling character. The dynamics within her family and the interactions with her neighbors add depth to the story, making it more than just a simple thriller.

The book’s climax is nothing short of stunning. The complexity of the ending and the way McFadden ties up various plot threads is masterful. It’s rare for a third book in a series to surpass its predecessors, but The Housemaid Is Watching does just that. The final seven words of the book are a perfect ending, leaving readers both satisfied and eager for more.

In summary, The Housemaid Is Watching exceeded all my expectations. It’s a gripping, shocking, and stunning addition to Freida McFadden’s body of work. The story of Millie the maid is addictive, and I have no doubt that fans of the series will be just as captivated as I was. McFadden has once again proven her ability to craft a riveting page-turner that is impossible to put down.

This book is a must-read for thriller lovers. The quiet suburban setting, the intricate plot, and the well-developed characters make it a standout in the genre. I found myself completely immersed in Millie’s world, to the point where I even canceled an important appointment just to keep reading. For anyone looking for a thrilling escape, The Housemaid Is Watching is the perfect choice.

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