The Edge by Lucy Goacher

The Edge by Lucy Goacher

Title: The Edge

Author: Lucy Goacher

Release Date: November 1, 2022

Length: 381 pages

Genre: Mystery/ Thriller

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Goodreads I Amazon

***** Review*****

I know that I have claimed that I don’t read thrillers and crime novels often, but now I am almost sure that they have priority on my TBR.

The Edge – what a suitable name… Because this book will keep you on the edge of your seat till the very end…

It is the story of Clementine, a young girl who lives through an unimaginable hell. Losing her beloved sister brings inconceivable pain and countless doubts and questions. Every effort to find meaning in all that senselessness is futile. But how to accept the horrible truth that slowly tears her young heart? How can she come to terms with the fact that her sister took her own life without any possible reason? That girl who had countless reasons to live and cherish life…
One unplanned conversation, one grieving brother, and new questions spring. The birth of a new hope that brings with it even more pain… What secrets will be revealed as the puzzle pieces begin to fall into place? Who is behind all this cruelty and pain?

The Edge starts very interestingly and from the first pages, the author manages to intrigue the reader and draw them into the story. You think that some things are completely clear from the very beginning, but as you start turning the pages, you realize that you don’t know anything at all.

The Edge is an incredibly intertwined story, full of twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. I wanted to enjoy the skillfully composed descriptions but like Clementine, I was extremely impatient to find out the truth that was hidden.

This is the first time I come across this author’s writing, and imagine my surprise to discover that this is a debut novel. The persuasive way of writing, perfectly intertwined with enough tension and mystery simply points to experience. And if we add to that the intriguing and dense plot and the detailed development of the characters, it’s no wonder that I couldn’t believe that it was the author’s first book.
Clementine as a character somehow managed to touch me. The way she wrestled with her guilt and doubts was thought-provoking. Yes, there were certain parts that I believe needed better development, but since it’s a debut, I’ll just praise the author’s work.

Why the book “The Edge” by this author left me sleepless? Because it is an interwoven story embroidered by a debut author, which as a reader leads you through the story at breakneck speed, and just when you think you finally understand everything, suddenly a dizzying turn…
While I was reading “The Edge” the author’s compelling storytelling took me to another place, walking together with Clementine, in her shoes, following her paths and searching together with her for the truth…

My warmest book recommendation for all readers, especially thriller lovers.

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