The Casanova (The Miles High Club #3) by T.L. Swan

The Casanova (The Miles High Club #3) by T.L. Swan

Title: The Casanova

Series: The Miles High Club #3

Author: T.L. Swan

Release Date:  August 26th 2021

Length: 512 pages

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Goodreads ║ Amazon

A superb tale for all those who would like to read a book with an engaging storyline, wonderful characters, and a delightful romance. And if you want your reading to be spiced up with a bit of sensual eroticism and a sufficient amount of dirty talking then check out this book right away.

The Casanova” by T.L Swan, the third installation in the Miles High Clubis a true literary delight for every romance lover. A dirty fairy tale set in modern times, with modern characters, but the essence is the same. An emotional journey from start to finish. From LOL moments to tears in your eyes, laughter and sadness expertly mixed, and the most enjoyable HEA this book has everything to quench your thirst for reading a fabulous romance.

Can two sworn enemies find themselves on the same side? Two formidable characters that hide their weaknesses under the cloak of strength. They looked at each other once, twice… maybe they looked at each other forever, but could they see each other in the right light?

The story of Kate and Elliot begins somewhere in the middle of their acquaintance. A moment of complete relaxation, when all the masks are dropped, opens new horizons and shows things in a true light. The moment they truly see each other, the attraction will reach unimaginable heights. Hands trembling with excitement, lips about to meet halfway, an exploration of unbearable passion….. Is this just the beginning of something that has an expiration date?

The fear of losing something that never existed increases as the end approaches. How to put an end to something that has left its mark on all existence?
The desire to indulge in feelings is too great, and the time left is too short. How much pain does the final goodbye bring?
But plans and their implementation do not always go as they should. Fate makes its plans. What will happen when the eyes meet again? When will the hidden secrets be revealed? Secrets that have the power to unite two souls or shatter all hope…

T.L. Swan knows how to write stories that will captivate me from the very beginning. Instead of looking for complex language structures to describe things or people, she uses simple words to describe situations, places, and characters. And just with those simple words, she manages to bring the characters to life. Instead of using an ornated or modern way of experiencing events from the point of view of one character, she tries and succeeds in infiltrating us into the subconscious of several characters, both main and side. The main character Kate is a true delight. She is quite ambitious with many dreams in life, hidden deep inside her. By reading her thoughts, we become fully aware of her traumas, and her pain, which we somehow seem to be able to feel at times. We see her trying to live, taking baby steps, small for the world around her, but real success at the same time. At certain moments in The Casanova, you feel like you are Kate, so faithfully is her whole essence captured. And you’ll say there’s nothing left to the imagination, yet the whole book abounds. The author’s masterful storytelling brings us back to reality and without wanting, we realize the same thing can happen to you at any moment. The author leads you through the story in such a compelling way that makes the readers feel every emotion, every fear, and joy. Eliot is a character that we just fall in love with from the start. A brutal businessman, a man who lives by his own rules, with some vulnerability and romantic nature deeply hidden under his harshness. It must be said that at the beginning he deceives us with his undisguised indomitability, but as we travel deeper into the story, we discover hidden depths of his character that amaze us. A swoon-worthy hero in search of his happiness. Even if we do not want to, we understand and forgive his infamous choice. And after all the hidden secrets are revealed, his actions are every woman’s dream. Eliot is a perfect book boyfriend, right?
Well, I have to say after reading Tristan’s book, everyone else is just a faint copy of a perfect book boyfriend. Eliot is everything a woman desires, but he is not Tristan.

The pace used in the book itself is perfect. Perfectly balanced, not a dull moment. And it contributes to the fact that you don’t want to tear yourself away from the book until the very end. There are no needless details – everything is in its place and where it should be. The narrative is alternating between the perspectives of the two main characters. And while you read, you think, you have insight into everything, yet the author still manages to add a dash of secrecy. Funny and sweet moments are utterly balanced with off-charts sexual chemistry and uncensored banter to the very end. The aftermath will open new horizons for you about what perfect chemistry is, what love is and what it is like to have something, then to lose it. The end will bring surprises and warmth to the soul. You will look at the back cover and wish for at least a few more pages…
T.L. Swan is quite talented in connecting things, events, and personalities that seem incompatible at the beginning.

In short, The Casanova is marvelous to read – and the end will be completely unexpected and so enchanting!

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