The Bedroom Window by K.L. Slater

Book Title: The Bedroom Window

Author: K.L. Slater

Publication Date:  May 19, 2023

Length: 237 pages

Genre: Mystery / Thriller

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.


The Bedroom Window by K.L. Slater

*** My Review ***

“The Bedroom Window” by K.L. Slater is a gripping and twisty psychological thriller set in an isolated cottage owned by a wealthy couple, Neeta and Ted Williams. Lottie and Neil, along with their son Albie, move to this cottage as Neil recovers from a severe accident.

Lottie is filled with excitement as she and her husband Neil, along with their young son Albie, move into their new home on the grounds of Seaspray House. This opportunity comes as part of Neil’s new job as the estate manager. The owners of Seaspray spared no expense in building the stunning new house, having demolished the old one. It feels like a fresh start for the family after Neil’s injury left him unable to walk, and Lottie became his devoted full-time carer. With financial difficulties behind them, they are optimistic about the future.

However, there is an eerie air surrounding Neil’s new employers, the owners of Seaspray House. They are remarkably secretive, refusing entry to anyone who attempts to step foot inside their home. The door is opened no more than a crack, leaving visitors with an unsettling feeling. Despite the couple’s claims of being the sole occupants of the house, Lottie notices a mysterious shadow occasionally passing by the window. Against Neil’s wishes, she becomes determined to uncover the truth behind the peculiar behavior of their employers.

As Lottie delves deeper into the mystery, the tension and suspense grow. Her desire to uncover the secrets of Seaspray House intensifies, even as Neil discourages her pursuit. Lottie’s determination drives her to unearth the truth, even if it means confronting the unknown and unraveling the unsettling secrets that lie within the walls of their new home. What secrets will she discover?

This is not my first book by K.L. Slater, and “The Bedroom Window” lives up to the author’s reputation. The book is fast-paced, with a slow start that quickly gains momentum, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. It is a suspenseful read that culminates in a surprising ending, which is a hallmark of Slater’s storytelling.

The overall atmosphere of the book creates a quiet and eerie feeling, heightened by the isolated setting. The pacing is well executed, and the story is told from multiple perspectives, with Lottie’s being the only first-person narrative. While the intriguing storyline kept me engaged, I found the book to be an average read. The characters, including the main protagonist, lacked likability, and the outcome of the story was disappointing. I was able to guess the twist, and some plot points remained unexplained, such as the significance of the lipstick. Furthermore, there were errors in the text, such as missing words and incorrect names, which were distracting and indicated a need for proofreading.

“The Bedroom Window” deviates from K.L. Slater’s usual domestic thriller style by placing the house and setting at the forefront, creating an atmospheric and somewhat creepy tale. The coastal setting, with the crashing waves and salt in the air, adds to the overall experience. The book offers a fresh take on the concept of voyeurism, reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rear Window.” Lottie and Neil’s move to the North Yorkshire coast provides them with a fresh start, but as they uncover the secrets of Seaspray House, their lives become entangled in a web of mysteries.

The author masterfully builds tension throughout the story, and the alternating perspectives of Lottie and Neil, along with flashbacks, contribute to the unfolding narrative. Although the big reveal may be a little far-fetched and predictable, there are still twists and uncertainties that keep the reader engaged. However, some unanswered questions, such as Neil’s interactions with Neeta and their unusual attention toward Albie, left loose ends in the plot. Additionally, an editing issue revealed a character’s name prematurely in a flashback chapter, reducing the element of doubt.

One aspect that sets this book apart is its lack of heartwarming characters. Each character is flawed and unlikable, adding to the sense of unease throughout the narrative. This choice creates a discomforting atmosphere that leaves readers slightly creeped out at certain points. As the story progresses, the mood intensifies, drawing readers deeper into the secrets and revelations.

“The Bedroom Window” taps into the innate curiosity and voyeuristic tendencies that many people possess. The desire to observe others, eavesdrop, and uncover hidden truths is a relatable aspect of human nature. The book successfully explores these themes, appealing to readers who are drawn to uncovering what they are not meant to find.

While the book is captivating, it is important to note that it may not appeal to those seeking heartwarming or likeable characters. However, for readers who enjoy being immersed in a suspenseful and atmospheric psychological thriller, “The Bedroom Window” is a highly recommended choice. K.L. Slater once again delivers a thrilling and addictive read that showcases her talent for building tension and crafting memorable twists.

In conclusion, “The Bedroom Window” by K.L. Slater is a gripping psychological thriller that will keep readers hooked from beginning to end. Despite some unlikable characters and unresolved plot points, the book excels in creating an intense and unsettling atmosphere. With its fast pace, surprising twists, and engaging storytelling, this novel is another success for Slater. If you enjoy delving into the dark secrets of flawed characters and experiencing an eerie sense of voyeurism, this book is a must-read. Prepare to be captivated and slightly unnerved as you peer through “The Bedroom Window.”

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