Stolen Darlings by Helen Phifer

Book Title: Stolen Darlings

Author: Helen Phifer

Series: Detective Morgan Brookes #10

Publication Date: September 29, 2023

Length: 301 pages

Genre: Mystery / Thriller

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


Stolen Darlings by Helen Phifer

*** Review ***

Helen Phifer’s latest installment in the Detective Morgan Brookes series, Stolen Darlings, takes readers on a thrilling journey into the mystical world of witches, murder, and relentless investigation. With its captivating plot and engaging characters, this book is a must-read for fans of British police procedurals with a touch of the supernatural.

Set against the backdrop of Castlerigg Stone Circle on Ostara, the Spring Equinox, the story opens with the discovery of a young woman’s lifeless body. Her throat has been brutally slit, and she lies there in a white dress, adorned with a crown of pink roses and a garland of greens. The victim, Cora Dalton, was not just an ordinary woman; she was part of a group of local women who considered themselves witches, and she ran a magical shop. It’s Detective Morgan Brookes and her dedicated team’s task to unravel the symbolism behind the gruesome scene and catch the ruthless killer. Little do they know that this murder is just the beginning of a chilling series of events.

One of the standout features of Stolen Darlings is the well-crafted characters and the camaraderie within the investigative team. Detective Morgan Brookes and her partner Ben lead the charge, and their dynamic is both professional and relatable. The banter and lighthearted moments amidst the seriousness of the case add depth to the characters and make them endearing to the readers.

Phifer expertly weaves together a web of suspects and red herrings, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. As the team races against time to catch the killer, the story takes unexpected twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the shocking conclusion. The author’s skill in creating suspense and tension is commendable, making Stolen Darlings a true page-turner.

As the tenth book in the Detective Morgan Brookes series, it maintains the series’ high standards, but it could have provided more background information for new readers. Some additional context about the characters’ positions, ranks, and relationships would have been helpful for those unfamiliar with the series. However, this minor drawback doesn’t overshadow the overall enjoyment of the book.

The book’s atmospheric writing and vivid descriptions transport readers to the hauntingly beautiful Castlerigg Stone Circle and its mystical surroundings. Phifer’s ability to craft an engaging and unique plot that seamlessly combines elements of the supernatural with a police procedural is truly commendable. The author’s meticulous research shines through, adding authenticity to the story’s witchcraft themes.

One aspect that left me slightly unsatisfied was the unanswered question surrounding the case. While most loose ends were tied up, there was one crucial aspect that felt unresolved. However, this minor flaw didn’t detract significantly from my overall enjoyment of the book.

In conclusion, Stolen Darlings is a gripping addition to the Detective Morgan Brookes series, offering readers an irresistible blend of mystery, witchcraft, and police procedural elements. Helen Phifer’s storytelling prowess is evident in the way she keeps the reader engaged from start to finish. If you’re a fan of British crime thrillers with a touch of the supernatural and well-developed characters, this book is a must-read. Despite the minor quibbles, I eagerly await the next installment in this captivating series, as Phifer’s novels are simply impossible to put down.

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