Summer Island Sisters by Ciara Knight

Summer Island Sisters by Ciara Knight

Title: Summer Island Sisters

Author: Ciara Knight

Series: A Friendship Beach Novel #2

Release Date:  August 10, 2021

Length:    190 pages

Genre: Women’s Fiction/ Contemporary Romance

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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            **** My Review ****

If you are looking for a short book with an interesting and light theme, a book that talks about lifelong friendships, discovering oneself, new beginnings, and happy endings, then you should definitely check Summer Island Sisters by Ciara Knight out. Take some time, get comfortable and head on a trip to Summer Island where you will enjoy a cup of raspberry tea and an interesting story. A story that brings change and unexpected love, a battle to overcome one’s own fears and accept the inevitable.

It must be noted that this is the second book in A Friendship Beach Novel Series. Personally, I think that it can be read as a stand-alone without any problem. But if you want to have a better understanding of the characters, then you should read the first one before reading

The series focuses on four women: Jewels, Trace, Wind, and Kat have been friends for decades. The first book was the story of Jewel, the second one introduces us to the life of the eco-warrior Trace, her hopes, and plans. The loss of a beloved parent is something terrible, and something that brings Trace, the ocean environmentalist, back to Summer Island in an attempt to preserve her family home and the historic charm of the Summer Island Hotel. The dice are cast, and the battle is in sight… Pressed from all sides, Trace tries to find the strength to succeed in what she desires. Will her strength and determination help her win Dustin who is equally determined to demolish her family home and use the land for a hotel project? Who will win? But what will happen if, instead of hatred, a spark of love starts flickering in the hearts that will attract them to each other? Will they bury the hatchet and give in to that feeling?

Ciara Knight has a really interesting way with words. She knows how to create a story that simultaneously attracts the reader, without burdening him in any way. Every day we are inundated with romances between teenagers, college students, and young and ambitious people, so the theme of middle-life romance is a real refreshment. The small-town vibe is greatly incorporated into the scenes, and the descriptive narration is absolutely fantastic. All of her characters are fully developed and somehow realistic and fascinating at the same time. And it is interesting for a change to read a story where the characters are middle-aged people with enough experience and wisdom but also a dose of unpredictability and impulsive behavior. Jewels, Trace, Wind, and Kat have been friends for decades and the relationship and affection between them are masterfully captured. Certain parts were a bit repetitive, but not too much to bother the reader.

 It is not a heavy read but certainly not a silly one either. A good enemies-to-lovers story that is very skillfully composed. A tale about friendship, behavior, unexpected love, and trust that offers relaxation and pleasant moments. Summer Island Sisters is the perfect book for travel, the beach, or a free afternoon when you want to escape the constraints of everyday life.

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