Saving Grace by Julie Garwood

Review: Saving Grace by Julie Garwood

Title: Saving Grace

Author: Julie Garwood

Release Date:  March 1st 1994

Length: 407 pages

Genre: Historical Romance

Publisher: Pocket Books


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I have just finished this book and I must admit that I have not enjoyed such an easy read for a long time, A book that pushes me into deep thinking while relaxing me at the same time. With an intriguing plot, fantastic characters, and exceptional humor, this book is definitely perfect for all those lovers of historical fiction, spiced with modern elements.

Marriage vows exchanged in haste, fear, uncertainty, and love that is yet to begin… A gentle heroine who hides unseen truths, a barbarian hero who has a gentle hand and a hope for a better future ….. Johanna and Gabriel are two characters who definitely you will remember for their depth and layering, for their interesting dialogues, and for the love that everyone desires.

This author, as always, has created a work that is perfect from beginning to end, with a plot that draws you in and does not allow you to leave the book until the very end. The detailed account of each incident, each scene, and each conversation take you to a time when other rules prevailed, rules that we gladly read our heroes break and change.

Parts of the past mixed with futuristic insights, intrigue and a series of funny moments perfectly conveyed and balanced are what sets this book apart in a sea of ​​historical romances. But if you are looking for a book that is historically accurate, then this book is definitely not for you.

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