My Husband’s Daughter by Emma Robinson

My Husband's Daughter by Emma Robinson

Title:  My Husband’s Daughter

Author: Emma Robinson

Release Date: October 13, 2020

Length: 266 pages

Genre: General Fiction/ Family Drama

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Goodreads  |  Amazon

****My Review****


Rare are those books that grab your attention after the first few lines you read and draw you into their world, and make you turn page after page until you read the last written words. Books that you simply cannot leave, you must read them in one sitting.

If Emma Robinson has managed to delight you with  ‘Where I Found You’ and ‘The Forgotten Wife’, then trust me that ‘My Husband’s Daughter’ will exceed all your expectations. The book will make you cry and laugh, feel things you have not even though about and lay hold on your attention like not many books can. I’m sure that this amazing read contain all the elements to satisfy even the most discerning readers’ minds.

Emma Robinson’s  superior writing skills simply drew us into the story from the very beginning, when we meet Rebecca and Jack, a young and successful married couple, career-driven, determined to spend their lives according to their wishes and desires, and not according to some socially imposed norms. Having no children is something the two of them want, but their whole perfect life will be shaken, when late at night, one Friday the shadow of the past will ring on their doorbell, bringing something that will change their lives for ever … Jack’s daughter , they didn’t even know  existed.

The author skillfully tells the story from two different perspectives – Rebecca, the wife, dedicated to her career, obsessed with organizing everything  to a single detail  and a woman who never wanted to be a mother and Cara, an ex-girlfriend, the mother who wants the best for her child, no matter what, a woman who has always lived a complicated live, that borders on unacceptable. The perspectives complement each other perfectly, and the story runs seamlessly.

One thing that amazed me from the very beginning about Emma Robinson’s writing was her attention to detail. I really enjoyed the fact that she gives a lot of information and insight into each character and their thoughts, their fears, their beliefs. I felt able to immerse myself into their lives and follow their struggle with all it’s twists and turns, revealing page by page, a story that is so touching, extremely emotional, and ultimately heart provoking.

I haven’t read anything so original in a long time, and I read quite a lot.  I am inclined to say it’s a must-read for all those who want a slightly different story that will awaken a spectrum of emotions in the reader. My Husband’s Daughter by Emma Robinson definitely awakens a lot of feelings that stay in us for a long time, and it touches our hearts in a completely unexpected way. Emma, through her unique style and powerful words, so simple, easy to read, yet so strong to convey the message,  tells us how one life affects many others, the plan and the outcome rarely not always bear fruit .

My Husband’s Daughter by Emma Robinson is an amazing story in which the past and the present are masterfully intertwined, which abounds in compassion, selflessness, love and loss.

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