Review: Leave Me Breathless by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Leave Me Breathless

Title:  Leave Me Breathless

Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas

Release Date:  November 5th 2019

Length: 384 pages

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Goodreads  |  Amazon


Those authors who manage to amaze you with every book they publish are rare. And just as I’m writing this review, I realize that Jodi Ellen Malpas has never disappointed me. And just like with every hot story of hers, full of intrigues and twists, with ‘Leave me breathless’, she just left me breathless…

No matter how much we hide and try to protect ourselves from everything, sometimes the threads slip out of our hands and all we have to do is surrender and trust. It is the story of our heroine Hannah Bright, a woman who hides depths and secrets that we cannot even imagine. But her mystique attracts Ryan Willis, whose presence threatens all her deeply hidden secrets. An unusual chemistry connects them, but the past and secrets separate them. What will happen when all the secrets are revealed? Will these two have a chance to feel the much-desired warmth and love?

To begin with, Ryan Willis and Hannah Bright are two interesting characters who somehow manage to get under the readers’ skin. And their whole story somehow resembles a fairy tale. He is the fearless knight, and she is the damsel in distress. The dose of danger and the mystery that surrounds them throughout the pages is exactly in a delicate balance that seems to ignite the intolerable passion that they both originally seem to deny.

Moreover, I have to be completely honest, this author creates seriously hot male leads and cute females. And the romance is an absolute caress of all the reader’s senses…

Jodi is an author who knows how to create a story that will hold the readers’ attention until the very end. An engaging story from start to finish, with a perfectly balanced pace that will not allow you a single moment of rest. The plot is quite solid and interesting, with enough suspense to keep your attention until the end. Some small parts moved on the border of reality, but in no case do not bother the reader. The characters are just normal, with flaws and virtues like the rest of the world, which gives the reader a lot to relate to. Let’s be completely honest, this author creates seriously hot male leads and cute females. And the romance is an absolute caress of all the reader’s senses…

Finally, an excellent choice for all those romance readers who want to spend a few hours with a book that will keep them on their toes and bring smiles to their faces at the cute end.

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