Never Let You Go by Chevy Stevens

Never Let You Go by Chevy Stevens

Title: Never Let You Go

Author: Chevy Stevens

Release Date: March 14, 2017

Length: 406 pages

Genre: Mystery/ Thriller

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Amazon II Goodreads

**** My Review*****

Never Let You Go by Chevy Stevens

The photos cause admiration. A perfect life without a single dark spot on all that happiness. But sometimes smiles hide the greatest sadness. The pain is hidden in every unshed tear and the scream is muffled behind the ringing laughter. Lies and delusions that are covered up and yet so clearly visible…

The perfect magazine couple… Lindsay and Andrew, parents to 6-year-old Sophie, look like the perfect family on their vacation in Mexico. But appearances can be deceiving. Behind that ideal image, there is a great deal of family drama, life in a manipulative marriage, and love that causes pain and fear.

Right from the start, we learn that Lindsey is terrified. She lives trapped in a marriage with a man who wears the mask of a caring husband and an ideal father to the world. But behind closed doors, he shows his true face – the face of a traumatized child who has grown into an insecure young man. A man who is facing numerous insecurities. Not only is he extremely possessive and violent, but is also maliciously manipulative.

One face to the world, another face to the wife. Family problems that are often around us. Sometimes we notice them, but most of the time we don’t.

The desire for Sophie to grow up in a two-parent family is Lindsay’s justification for staying in that marriage. But much more than that, her oppressed position and the fear of Andrew’s revenge are a plus reason.

However, 11 years later, Linsey and 17-year-old Sophie have a new life away from it all and Andrew is serving a 10-year prison sentence.

Unfortunately, hе served his sentence. He will come out of jail soon, so the father’s reunion with his long-lost daughter is imminent. And most of all – the reunion of former spouses is something that causes a lot of anxiety.

What will happen when that terrible hour finally arrives? What upheavals will happen after years of creeping peace?

Then the real exciting mind games and deceiving twists begin! I experienced such changing emotions while reading, I just couldn’t hold on to one feeling long enough because the author put together the twists and turns so skillfully, each stop was like a new turn on a roller coaster ride.

While reading Never Let You Go by Chevy Stevens you have the feeling that you are in the front row of the events, following the perspectives of the three characters. Characters who skillfully guide you through the story forward, and backward – a little in the past, then immediately in the present. And you think, it will all confuse you. But the mastery of the author has so perfectly intertwined all perspectives, that there is no delusion or misunderstanding.

My connection with the characters was so sincere and deep, that I experienced their emotions as my own. There is nothing more disturbing than the thought that someone is following you, breathing down your neck, leading you into their trap, and you, despite being 100% sure of the danger, are completely mute in front of the world of justice.

And there is nothing that strikes me as a reader more than when the course of events is such that the characters who are hateful villains in one moment are victims that I pity the next.
But not to foreshadow too much, I’ll just add in the end that while I was so caught up in the predictable unfolding, what happened, in the end, broke my heart.

This dark and twisted psychological thriller is an excellent choice for all fans of this genre. Never Let You Go by Chevy Stevens is a story that will draw you in from the very beginning and won’t let you leave until the last lines.

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