Master of Sin by Sienna Snow

Review : Master of Sin by Sienna Snow

Title:  Master of Sin

Series: Gods of Vegas # 1

Author: Sienna Snow

Release Date:  March 13, 2019

Length:  224 pages

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Goodreads  |  Amazon

**** My  Review ****

A well-known tale that is also incredibly fresh. The first book in the brand-new Gods of Vegas series, “Master of Sin,” is a modernized version of the fable of Persephone and Hades. An outstanding tale that will have you glued to the pages and keep you reading nonstop from beginning to end.

The lovely and clever heir to her father’s business, Persephone is essentially being held hostage by her awful stepmother. Her need to protect her little brother from the woman who they believe killed their father is the only thing holding her hostage.

Hagen is the sinister face of Las Vegas; he is very strong, ravishing beyond belief, and capable of corrupting anything or anybody he comes into contact with. He wants her body and she needs his assistance. Accept it or reject it. What transpires when Hagen transports the defenseless Persephone below ground? What will happen when starlight reaches darkness?

This is my first novel by Sienna Snow, and right away I could tell she had crafted the ideal balance of feelings and scorching romance with hints of mythology and mystery.

The connection between the major characters is so palpable that you can’t help but feel it whenever they interact! The descriptions and actions of the story’s major protagonists deftly include details as well as traits of the mythological gods.

And while details like a woman being a 27-year-old virgin in this contemporary scenario seem a little bizarre and unbelievable, they are in keeping with the legendary foundation of the book. The supporting characters melded in flawlessly despite having flaws. With their strong personalities and mutual love for one another, Hagen and Penny was the ideal match.

The narrative is written in a excellent way that is seamless, detailed, and simple to read. The pace is exactly right—quick it’s enough that the reader doesn’t become bored yet slow enough that the information keeps them turning the pages.

Very thought-provoking aspects about love, sibling relationships, and the impact of parents on children’s lives are put beneath the surface of an erotic plot and sexual scenes. The sheer notion of migration and the protection of cultural and ethnic heritage moved me.

The dark Hagen, lord of the Las Vegas underworld, fascinated by the beauty and purity of Persephone, is a narrative worth reading, peppered with enough sensual scenes and clever banter for a sure pleasurable read. Master of Sin by Sienna Snow is an excellent choice for all romance readers.

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