How to Kill Men and Get Away with It by Katy Brent

Book Title: How to Kill Men and Get Away with It

Author: Katy Brent

Publication Date: October 12, 2022

Length: 384 pages

Genre: Mystery/ Thriller

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

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How to Kill Men and Get Away with It

*** My Review ***

Katy Brent’s “How to Kill Men and Get Away with It” introduces readers to Kitty Collins, a fascinating character who defies expectations and serves as a female avenger against those who abuse women. As the granddaughter of the founder of a prominent meat products company, Kitty rejects her family’s fortune and leads a double life: a popular influencer known for her luxurious lifestyle, and a vigilante killer with a knack for ensuring her crimes go unpunished. However, when she becomes the target of a stalker who exposes her dark secrets, Kitty must navigate a treacherous path while questioning her trust in others, including a charming philanthropist named Charlie. Brent’s novel is a smart, twisty, and riveting psychological thriller that delivers an enjoyable and surprising reading experience.

The story unfolds with Kitty accidentally taking the life of a dangerous man who threatened her, sparking her journey as an accidental killer. The author expertly balances Kitty’s actions with a darkly humorous and sarcastic tone, effectively addressing the issue of male entitlement without coming across as preachy. Kitty’s self-deprecating narrative style adds depth to her character, reminiscent of the intriguing protagonist Villanelle from “Killing Eve.” The influence of reality TV shows like “Made in Chelsea” is also evident in the dynamic relationships Kitty shares with her friends, adding an extra layer of entertainment to the narrative.

Brent skillfully creates a fast-paced and engaging plot that keeps readers hooked from beginning to end. The gruesome scenes, reminiscent of “Killing Eve,” are balanced with well-paced storytelling, making the novel a gripping page-turner. Readers will find themselves both horrified and captivated, eagerly anticipating Kitty’s next move. The ending of the book is particularly satisfying, leaving readers with a sense of triumph and satisfaction for Kitty’s character development.

In addition to its entertainment value, “How to Kill Men and Get Away with It” tackles dark and disturbing themes, including online stalking and threats faced by Kitty and her friends during their night outings. The author blends humor with these unsettling aspects, creating a unique mix that keeps readers engaged. While some readers may find the book’s profanity and the forceful handling of certain topics overwhelming, others will appreciate its bold approach. It is worth noting that the novel may not appeal to all readers, particularly those seeking a lighter, more humorous read like “Finlay Donovan.”

The book resonates with its readers due to its captivating title and cover, evoking a sense of intrigue and anticipation. While some may argue against judging a book by its cover, in this case, the visual representation aligns with the dark and thrilling content within. Katy Brent’s skillful execution of a horror movie-esque narrative, featuring a woman seeking justice against rapists and abusers, is sure to captivate readers who enjoy this genre.

One notable aspect of the story is the lack of likable characters, which is a deliberate choice by the author. Despite their flaws and unlikeable traits, Brent manages to craft a story that keeps readers engaged. The main character, Kitty, exemplifies the typical Instagram influencer persona, indulging in a shallow and vapid lifestyle while harboring a hidden passion for eliminating men who harm women unjustly. This dichotomy adds complexity to Kitty’s character, and readers are drawn into her world as they witness the moral conflicts she faces.

“How to Kill Men and Get Away with It” raises important themes and issues surrounding gender-based violence and male entitlement. Although the novel tackles these subjects with intensity, it does so in a way that avoids becoming excessively didactic or overwhelming for readers seeking an escapist reading experience. While the book incorporates profanity and pushes certain political issues, it is important to note that these elements may not resonate with all readers looking for a purely light-hearted read.

While “How to Kill Men and Get Away with It” offers an intriguing premise and engaging narrative, it is not without its negative aspects. Some readers may find certain elements of the story unrealistic and exaggerated. The hyperbolic portrayal of several actions may detract from the overall believability of the plot for those seeking a more grounded reading experience.

Additionally, the book’s incorporation of veganism and its association with the gruesome acts committed by the protagonist may feel heavy-handed and repetitive to readers who are not interested in or already skeptical of veganism. The constant reminders of using a pork processing plant as a means to dispose of victims can come across as overbearing and may alienate readers who do not share the author’s views on the subject.

It’s important to note that while these negative aspects exist, they may not overshadow the overall enjoyment of the book for many readers. The story’s dark humor, suspenseful pacing, and thought-provoking themes can still provide a thrilling and entertaining experience. Ultimately, readers’ reactions to these elements will depend on their personal preferences and willingness to suspend disbelief in favor of the novel’s unique and exaggerated narrative style.

Overall, Katy Brent’s debut novel is a gripping and promising entry into the thriller genre. Despite certain issues, including an unlikable protagonist and occasional heavy-handedness, “How to Kill Men and Get Away with It” successfully delivers on its dark premise and keeps readers entertained throughout. Fans of dark humor, psychological thrillers, and complex female characters will find this book to be a compelling and intriguing read. Katy Brent is certainly an author to watch in the future, and this debut signals her potential for delivering gripping and thought-provoking stories.

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