For the Last Time by Heidi Perks

Book Title: For the Last Time

Author: Heidi Perks

Publication Date: December 5, 2023

Length: 320 pages

Genre: Mystery / Thriller


For the Last Time by Heidi Perks

*** Review ***

Heidi Perks’ For the Last Time delves into the complex world of troubled relationships and hidden secrets, delivering a psychological thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The narrative unfolds through dual perspectives and timelines, focusing on Erin, a stay-at-home mom entangled in a suspicious hit-and-run incident, and Maggie, a marriage counselor with her own traumatic past related to her sister’s murder twenty years prior.

The novel opens with an intriguing and hooking hit-and-run accident involving Erin, immediately raising suspicions about her motives. Perks skillfully builds tension from the first chapter, drawing readers into the mysterious circumstances surrounding Erin’s life. The dual timelines provide depth to the narrative, offering glimpses into Erin’s troubled marriage with Will and Maggie’s sessions with the couple.

Erin’s character is portrayed with complexity, and her changing moods and suspicions about her husband create an atmosphere of uncertainty. The marriage counseling sessions with Maggie reveal the growing lack of trust, doubts, and divisions between Erin and Will. The storytelling in these sessions is a highlight, offering a “he said, she said” scenario that keeps readers guessing about the truth.

Maggie, the marriage counselor, adds another layer to the story with her own baggage related to her sister’s murder. As the narrative progresses, the intertwining of Erin and Maggie’s lives becomes more apparent, leading to a series of revelations and twists. Perks expertly crafts red herrings and blind alleys, creating a suspenseful atmosphere that keeps readers engaged.

While the characters may not be entirely likable, they are well-portrayed, contributing to the overall sense of unease and tension. The author navigates the complexities of relationships and psychological trauma, creating an atmosphere where trust is elusive, and secrets lurk beneath the surface.

The novel hinges on a pivotal question posed by Maggie, adding an element of unpredictability to the plot. The suspenseful pacing, coupled with unexpected twists and turns, makes For the Last Time a compelling page-turner. Perks invites readers to suspend their disbelief, acknowledging the occasional implausibility but delivering an entertaining and engaging narrative.

Despite some irregular pacing in the second half and occasional repetition due to multiple perspectives, the novel maintains its momentum, prompting readers to eagerly anticipate the resolution of the mysteries. The author successfully weaves a complex tale, incorporating elements of psychological suspense and family drama.

In conclusion, For the Last Time is a riveting psychological thriller that explores the intricacies of relationships, trust, and the impact of hidden secrets. Heidi Perks skillfully blends suspenseful storytelling with well-drawn characters, creating a narrative that keeps readers guessing until the final reveal. While the characters may not be universally likable, their flaws add depth to the story, contributing to the overall atmospheric tension. If you enjoy psychological thrillers with unexpected twists and psychological depth, For the Last Time is a worthwhile addition to your reading list.

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