Fairy Tale by Stephen King

Fairy Tale by Stephen King

Title: Fairy Tale

Author: Stephen King

Release Date: September 6, 2022

Length: 608 pages

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Goodreads II Amazon

****My Review****

Fairy Tale by Stephen King

Sometimes just one moment is all it takes for everything to change irrevocably. Such is the story of our hero Charlie, whose life turns into a real hell after a fatal accident in which his mother dies. As if that were not enough, his father seeks solace in excessive amounts of alcohol, forcing little Charlie to fend for himself. And he is only 10.

But an unusual meeting with a reclusive neighbor brings changes that 17-year-old Charlie is not aware of at the beginning. He is not proud of some things from the past, but at that moment Charlie does the right thing – he gives the old man the help he needs.

The birth of a new friendship offers Charlie new opportunities. He inherits a house, gold, and an unusual secret that carries a huge responsibility. Is the young boy strong enough to carry all that burden on his back?

Parallel universes, other worlds, princes and princesses, but also danger lurking from all sides. What is the portal in the shed hiding?

When magical kingdoms, princes, and princesses are mentioned, we inevitably think of fairy tales and the Brothers Grimm, right? Well, we are not wrong here. On the contrary, a large number of elements from these fairy tales are cleverly woven into this whole story. To be honest, it looked a bit like Narnia to me too.

It is more than obvious that there are also many similarities with The Dark Tower, which in itself means that there are elements of heroics and desolate worlds. Especially in the premise, that recognizable darkness of King stands out.

And I don’t know why, but every time I have a Stephen King book in my hands, I feel like it is Christmas morning. A finely wrapped package, which I gladly open and discover new worlds that amaze me.

And I was very curious to see if Fairy Tale by Stephen King also managed to keep me riveted to the pages. This is not his usual style, but as I turned the pages the pace and detail felt so familiar, even though the setting and the story were new. And I liked that.

The plot is excellent, with a slow pace and a great descriptive writing style. We follow the hero’s story and cheer him on through various trials and challenges. And we are inevitably amazed by his change from an ordinary troubled boy in a small town to a brave and deserving prince of some fantasy world.

Honestly, I was also impressed by the way King has built the characters. So complex and layered. All interactions, situations, and descriptions are perfectly balanced and dosed throughout the book, leaving no room for the reader to get bored. And although the book is long, it is easy to read.

I couldn’t believe that King would manage to deliver a story full of magical objects and elements so well and with such an ending, but in the end, I’m delighted. The illustrations of each chapter are excellent as well.

Fairy Tale by Stephen King is a magical story with brutal elements from real fairy tales that will delight all readers. Intense and compelling to the very end, Fairy Tale is a true literary adventure you shouldn’t miss.

3 thoughts on “Fairy Tale by Stephen King”

  1. Fantastic review, I have this on my shelves and hope to get to it soon. I agree, having a new King novel in my hands is a little like Christmas morning.

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