Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Book Title: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine

Author: Gail Honeyman

Publication Date: May 9, 2017

Length: 336 pages

Genre: General Fiction

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

***My Review ***

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine is an astonishing debut novel by Gail Honeyman that has captivated readers with its unique protagonist, Eleanor Oliphant. The novel takes us on a journey with Eleanor as she navigates her way through life, dealing with the loneliness, isolation, and trauma she has experienced.

Eleanor Oliphant is an intelligent, quirky, and socially awkward thirty-year-old who has spent most of her life in isolation. She works as a finance clerk and spends her weekends alone, drinking vodka and talking to her plant, Polly. She has no friends or social life, and her only interactions with the world are through work and weekly phone calls with her emotionally abusive mother.

The novel starts with Eleanor’s mundane life being shaken up after she develops a crush on a local musician, Johnnie Lomond. She then embarks on a journey to transform herself into the kind of person that Johnnie would find attractive. In the process, she begins to confront her past trauma and the events that have led to her current situation.

As the story progresses, we see Eleanor taking steps to break out of her shell and confront her past. Honeyman does an excellent job of depicting Eleanor’s character development and her journey towards healing. We see her slowly open up to the people around her and form genuine connections, which is a stark contrast to her isolated existence at the beginning of the novel.

What’s remarkable about Eleanor’s journey is that it is not a straightforward one. She experiences setbacks and hurdles along the way, but she perseveres and continues to move forward. This portrayal of the healing process is both realistic and relatable. It shows that overcoming trauma and building a better life takes time and effort, but it is ultimately worth it.

The beauty of this novel lies in the way Gail Honeyman has developed Eleanor’s character. She is a complex and layered character, and the author has done a fantastic job of revealing her past traumas slowly. It is through Eleanor’s eyes that we see the world, and her observations of everyday life are both humorous and heart-wrenching.

One of the most impressive things about this novel is the way it tackles the issue of loneliness and mental health. Eleanor’s struggles with loneliness and social isolation are relatable to many readers, and the novel sheds light on the importance of human connection and the impact it can have on our mental well-being.

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine is not just a book about mental health and trauma. It is also a book about the power of friendship and human connection. The relationships that Eleanor forms throughout the novel are heartwarming and genuine. The conversations she has with Raymond and Sammy, in particular, are delightful and bring some much-needed levity to the story.

The supporting characters in the novel, including Raymond, the IT guy at Eleanor’s office, and Sammy, an elderly man she befriends, are all incredibly well-written and add depth to the story. These characters help Eleanor to realize that she is not alone in her struggles and that she can build meaningful relationships with people who genuinely care for her.

One of the things that stood out to me about Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine is the way that Gail Honeyman seamlessly blends humor and heartache. There are many moments throughout the book that will make you laugh out loud, and others that will bring tears to your eyes. The balance between the two is just right, and it makes for a truly satisfying reading experience.

The prose in the novel is also excellent. Gail Honeyman’s writing is crisp and clear, and she has a knack for capturing the essence of a scene with just a few well-chosen words. The descriptions of Eleanor’s daily routine, for example, are simple but evocative, and they give us a clear sense of who Eleanor is and what her life is like.

However, it must be mentioned that the story unfolds gradually, and there are long stretches of the book where not much seems to be happening. While this slow pace is intentional and serves to emphasize Eleanor’s isolation and loneliness, it might not appeal to readers who prefer a faster-paced narrative.

Additionally, some readers might find the character of Eleanor to be difficult to relate to. Eleanor is an unconventional protagonist, and she doesn’t always behave in ways that are expected or socially acceptable. While this is one of the strengths of the novel, it might also be off-putting to some readers.

Finally, some readers might take issue with the ending of the novel, which I won’t spoil here. Suffice it to say that the ending is bittersweet and might not be to everyone’s taste.

That being said, I think that these potential negatives are outweighed by the novel’s many positives. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine is a beautifully written, engaging, and thought-provoking novel that has touched the hearts of readers all over the world. While it might not be for everyone, I think that it’s a book that is well worth reading.

 It’s a powerful and moving story that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading it. The novel has been praised for its honest portrayal of mental health and the healing process, and I think that it’s an important book for anyone who has struggled with these issues. 

At the same time, it’s also a warm and funny novel that celebrates the power of human connection and the joy of living life on your own terms. If you haven’t read Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine yet, I highly recommend that you do so. You won’t be disappointed.

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