Don’t Let the Devil Ride by Ace Atkins

Book Title: Don’t Let the Devil Ride

Author: Ace Atkins

Publication Date: June 25, 2024

Length: 384 pages

Genre: Mystery & Thriller


*** Review ***

Intriguing title and a promise of suspense and action, Don’t Let the Devil Ride by Ace Atkins delivers a thrilling narrative set against the vibrant backdrop of Memphis, Tennessee. This novel plunges readers into the life of Addison McKellar, a woman grappling with the sudden disappearance of her husband, Dean. As she navigates through the murky waters of deception and danger, Addison’s world unravels in unexpected ways, revealing a high-stakes web of international intrigue that puts her and her children at risk.

Addison’s initial frustration with her husband’s disappearance quickly turns into alarm as days pass without a word from him. With the police offering little help, she turns to Porter Hayes, a legendary Memphis PI and an old friend of her father. As Porter and Addison delve deeper into Dean’s affairs, they uncover a shocking truth: Dean was not the hardworking businessman he pretended to be but was entangled in dangerous international dealings. This discovery sets off a chain of events involving a hook-handed mercenary, an Elvis-era actress, and a fake FBI agent, all leading to a thrilling race against time to save Addison and her family.

Ace Atkins masterfully crafts a story that blends Southern charm with intense suspense. His portrayal of Memphis is vivid and atmospheric, capturing the essence of the city and its colorful characters. The narrative is fast-paced, driving the plot forward with relentless energy, while the intricate storyline keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

The characters in Don’t Let the Devil Ride are richly developed, each adding depth and complexity to the story. Addison, initially portrayed as a rich, alcoholic, and somewhat irksome housewife, evolves into a determined and resilient protagonist. Her transformation is both believable and compelling, as she sheds her initial helplessness to take control of her destiny. Porter Hayes, the grizzled PI nearing seventy, provides a stark contrast to Addison. His experience and no-nonsense attitude anchor the story, making him a memorable and likable character.

Atkins does not shy away from exploring darker themes, including toxic relationships and deception. Addison’s journey is fraught with danger, and the threats against her family add a palpable tension to the narrative. The inclusion of secondary characters like Joanna, an aging actress caught in the crossfire, and the menacing mercenary hunting Dean, adds layers to the plot, making it both complex and engaging.

One of the standout aspects of the novel is its balance between suspense and humor. Atkins injects a clever wit into the dialogue and character interactions, lightening the mood without detracting from the overall tension. This blend of humor and suspense is reminiscent of Southern noir classics and adds a unique flavor to the story.

As a fan of Ace Atkins’ Quinn Colson series, I was initially disappointed by the hiatus in that series. However, Don’t Let the Devil Ride proved to be a refreshing diversion. Atkins’ storytelling prowess is evident in this novel, as he weaves a tale that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. His ability to depict life in the South with authenticity and detail enriches the narrative, making it a standout in the thriller genre.

The novel’s structure, which alternates between different characters’ perspectives, adds to its dynamism. While the large cast of characters can be challenging to keep track of, it also allows for a multifaceted exploration of the story’s themes and plotlines. Each character’s perspective adds a new dimension to the unfolding mystery, keeping readers engaged and invested in the outcome.

The climax of the novel is a whirlwind of action and revelations, tying together the various threads of the plot in a satisfying conclusion. The final scenes are intense and gripping, leaving a lasting impression on the reader. The resolution, while slightly rushed, does not detract from the overall enjoyment of the story.

Don’t Let the Devil Ride is a wild ride from start to finish. Its blend of Southern noir, thrilling suspense, and complex characters makes it a must-read for fans of the genre. Ace Atkins proves once again why he is a master storyteller, delivering a novel that is both captivating and memorable. Whether this is the start of a new series or a standalone novel, it is clear that Atkins has crafted a story that will resonate with readers long after they turn the last page.

In conclusion, Don’t Let the Devil Ride is a remarkable addition to the thriller genre, showcasing Ace Atkins’ talent for creating compelling narratives and unforgettable characters. The novel’s blend of suspense, humor, and Southern charm ensures a memorable reading experience, making it highly recommended for fans of thrillers and Southern noir.

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