Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Book Title: Daisy Jones and the Six

Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid

Publication Date: March 5, 2019

Length: 355 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Goodreads II Amazon

***My Review***

Daisy Jones & The Six is a captivating and beautifully written novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid that explores the rise and fall of a fictional 1970s rock band, Daisy Jones & The Six. Through a series of interviews with the band members and those closest to them, the reader is taken on a nostalgic journey through the heyday of rock ‘n’ roll and the behind-the-scenes drama that accompanied it.

In Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid, Daisy Jones, the lead singer of the fictional 1970s rock band The Six, tells the tale of the band’s development and dissolution in an engrossing and moving way.

A transcript of interviews with the band members, their friends, family, and other people engaged in the band’s journey is used as the novel’s unorthodox writing style. The reader will feel as though they are reading a true account of a band’s ascent to success thanks to this approach, which is not only original but also gives a feeling of reality to the tale.

The novel is structured as an oral history, with each chapter consisting of snippets of interviews with various characters. This unconventional format may seem daunting at first, but it quickly becomes apparent that this is the perfect way to tell the story. The characters’ voices are distinct and authentic, and the reader is able to piece together the events of the story through their individual perspectives.

Daisy Jones & The Six is a character-driven novel, and the characters are what make this book truly remarkable. The titular character, Daisy Jones, is a force to be reckoned with. She’s beautiful, talented, and charismatic, but she’s also troubled and vulnerable. Billy Dunne, the leader of The Six, is equally compelling. He’s a talented musician with a troubled past, and his relationship with Daisy is the driving force of the novel.

As I already mentioned, the characters in Daisy Jones & The Six are the heart and soul of the novel. They are complex, flawed, and incredibly well-developed, making them feel like real people rather than just fictional creations.

Daisy Jones, the lead singer of the band, is a fascinating character. She is beautiful, talented, and fiercely independent, but also troubled and vulnerable. Her childhood trauma and struggles with addiction make her both sympathetic and frustrating at times. Her dynamic with Billy Dunne, the leader of The Six, is the driving force of the novel, and their complicated relationship is both romantic and heartbreaking.

Billy Dunne is also a compelling character. He is a talented musician and songwriter, but also struggles with addiction and his own personal demons. His relationship with Daisy is complicated by his loyalty to his wife and children, and the tension between the two of them is palpable throughout the novel.

The other members of The Six are also well-developed, each with their own distinct personalities and quirks. Karen, the keyboardist, is the only woman in the band and struggles with being taken seriously in a male-dominated industry. Eddie, the drummer, is the peacemaker of the group, while Warren, the guitarist, is the wild card who always seems to be causing trouble.

The supporting characters in the novel, such as the band’s manager, roadies, and record label executives, are also fleshed out and feel like real people. They all play important roles in the story and add to the overall authenticity of the novel.

One of the most impressive things about this novel is how Reid is able to capture the essence of 1970s rock ‘n’ roll. The music scene is brought to life with vivid descriptions of concerts, recording sessions, and the drug-fueled party scene. The music itself is also a major player in the novel. Reid’s descriptions of the songs are so vivid that the reader can almost hear them in their head.

Romance is a significant aspect of Daisy Jones & The Six, particularly in the relationship between Daisy and Billy. Their chemistry is palpable from the moment they meet, and their intense attraction to each other drives much of the story’s emotional tension.

Their relationship is complicated by the fact that Billy is married with children, and his loyalty to his family often clashes with his feelings for Daisy. As their relationship evolves over the course of the novel, the reader is left wondering whether they will ultimately end up together or whether their love will remain unrequited.

The romantic aspect of the novel is handled with great care and sensitivity. While the attraction between Daisy and Billy is undeniable, the novel also explores the consequences of infidelity and the impact it can have on those involved. The characters’ conflicting emotions and moral dilemmas are explored in depth, making the story feel grounded in reality rather than just a fantasy.

In addition to the romantic relationship between Daisy and Billy, there are also other romantic subplots throughout the novel involving other members of the band and supporting characters. These relationships add depth to the story and provide additional emotional weight to the novel.

The themes of love, loss, and addiction are woven throughout the novel, and they are explored in a way that is both poignant and realistic. The relationships between the characters are complex and nuanced, and the reader is able to feel the pain and joy that each character experiences.

While Daisy Jones & The Six is a fantastic novel, there are a few potential negative aspects that readers may want to consider before diving in.

Firstly, the novel’s structure, which is presented as an oral history told through a series of interviews, may not be for everyone. Some readers may find the format disjointed or confusing, as the story is pieced together through various characters’ perspectives and memories.

Additionally, some readers may find the characters and their actions frustrating at times. The characters’ flaws and mistakes can be difficult to watch, and some of their decisions may leave the reader feeling disappointed or angry. The themes of addiction and infidelity may also be triggering for some readers.

Finally, while the novel is set in the 1970s music scene, it may not be the best fit for readers who are not fans of rock ‘n’ roll or are not interested in the music industry. The novel is heavily focused on music and the band’s rise to fame, and those who are not interested in the subject matter may not find the story as engaging.

In conclusion, Daisy Jones & The Six is a masterful novel that is both entertaining and deeply moving. The characters are complex and authentic, the story is engrossing, and the music is unforgettable. This is a book that will stay with you long after you turn the final page. Highly recommended for fans of music, drama, and great storytelling.

2 thoughts on “Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid”

  1. Great review! I’ve been wanting to pick this one up being that I am a big fan of the music. I’m a bit nervous, though, because I didn’t quite love The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo as much as everyone else seems to have.

    1. Thank you for the kind words about the review! If you’re a fan of the music, then I think you’ll really enjoy this book. However, I understand your hesitation given your mixed feelings about The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Keep in mind that everyone’s reading experience is unique and it’s okay to have different opinions. It’s always worth giving an author another chance, especially if their work speaks to you on some level. I hope you end up enjoying the book and finding it to be a worthwhile read!

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