Appointment in Bath by Mimi Matthews

Book Title: Appointment in Bath

Author: Mimi Matthews

Series: Somerset Stories #4

Publication Date: June 27, 2023

Length: 288 pages

Genre: Historical Romance

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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Appointment in Bath by Mimi Matthews

*** Review ***

Book four in the Somerset Stories series, Appointment in Bath by Mimi Matthews, takes readers on a journey through Victorian-era England, delving into the forbidden romance between Meg Burton-Smythe and Ivo Beresford, the children of rival families. Set in the same timeline as the third book and influenced by the events of the second installment, this novel explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the power of friendship.

Meg Burton-Smythe, a shy and stammering young woman, has always lived on the fringes of society, finding solace in her daydreams. However, when Ivo Beresford, a dashing and forward-thinking man, comes to her rescue, Megs hope for her dreams to come true is ignited. The only obstacle in their path is the deep-seated enmity between their families, making their budding romance all the more forbidden.

Ivo, recently returned from an extensive grand tour, is determined to look toward the future and spearhead the construction of a railway extension in Somersetshire. Despite the longstanding animosity between their parents, Ivo sees the potential for friendship with Meg and encourages her to step out of her isolation. What begins as a secret friendship evolves into something deeper, even as they grapple with the weight of their families history.

As Meg and Ivo’s friendship deepens into something more, they face numerous obstacles and challenges along the way. The discovery of their growing affection for each other causes tension within their families, who have a long-standing feud rooted in past grievances. Meg’s father, Sir Frederick, is particularly opposed to the relationship and does everything in his power to keep them apart.

As the story unfolds, secrets are revealed, forgiveness is sought, and bonds are tested. Meg and Ivo must navigate the complexities of their families’ history while staying true to their own hearts. Will they succeed?

Matthews skillfully crafts a historical romance that beautifully unfolds within the constraints of societal expectations and family feuds. Megs character development is a standout, as she transforms from a timid young woman into a confident individual, fueled by her friendship with Ivo. His optimism and progressive mindset serve as a beacon of support and encouragement throughout the narrative.

The courtship between Meg and Ivo in ‘Appointment in Bath’ allows both characters to undergo personal growth and discover new aspects of themselves. Meg, in particular, finds her voice and sense of self, sometimes quite literally, as she embraces her passion for singing. Ivo, on the other hand, learns to temper his own opinions and realizes that he may not always have all the answers.

Their journey together exudes a genuine coziness, evident in their romantic morning rides across the picturesque countryside and their humorous adventures involving a potentially cursed bridge. This element of the series is refreshing, as it deviates from the conventional bustling London setting. Mimi Matthews understands the intrinsic romance of countryside estate stories, which offer more freedom of movement, both physically and in terms of societal etiquette. Additionally, the beautiful scenery enhances the intimate moments shared by the characters, creating a captivating backdrop for their blossoming romance

The writing style of Appointment in Bath is elegant and evocative, capturing the essence of the romantic era it portrays. The authors prose flows smoothly, creating a lyrical and immersive reading experience. The descriptions of the historical setting are vivid and meticulous, transporting readers to the streets of Bath and allowing them to envision the beauty and grandeur of the time. The authors attention to detail is commendable, as they skillfully paint a picture of the eras customs, fashion, and societal norms. The dialogue is authentic and engaging, effectively conveying the emotions and intentions of the characters.

The intricate web of relationships and the resolution of the long-standing family conflict add depth to the story. The authors attention to historical accuracy and vivid descriptions of the Victorian setting immerse readers in a bygone era. Matthewss clean writing style, well-developed characters, and heartfelt romance make Appointment in Bath a captivating addition to the Somerset Stories series.

Another aspect that added to the overall reading experience was Mimi Matthews’ notes to the reader at the end of the book. It was a delightful treat to dive into the author’s insights and reflections. In particular, her exploration of the ages of the main characters and how it influenced their behavior and decision-making was fascinating. These notes provided valuable context and deepened the understanding of the characters’ actions within the historical framework. Furthermore, Matthews’ inclusion of historical details and context of the time period enriched the narrative, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the story’s setting. It was evident that the author’s meticulous research and attention to historical accuracy greatly contributed to the authenticity of the novel.

While Appointment in Bath weaves a captivating tale within a historical backdrop, it is important to note that the primary focus of the story lies in the romantic journey of Meg and Ivo. Mimi Matthews skillfully intertwines their blossoming love with the challenges they face, creating an enchanting and heartfelt narrative that transcends time and place. While the historical accuracy and vivid setting add depth to the story, it is the emotional connection between the characters that takes center stage. Appointment in Bath is a testament to the enduring power of love, reminding readers that regardless of the era or societal constraints, the heart will always seek its true desires.

Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that the story does have some drawbacks. One such drawback is that the pacing can feel a little slow at times, and the overall tension in the narrative is somewhat lacking. While the characters are adequately developed for a novella, the story arc itself can feel a bit dragging. Additionally, the chemistry and interaction between the leads could have been further explored to make their connection truly resonate with readers. In contrast to its predecessor, which had a gripping intensity for a novella, Appointment in Bath falls a little flat in comparison. Furthermore, the development of the villains character feels somewhat inconsistent.

While the book can be read as a standalone, it is recommended to read the previous entries in the series for a fuller understanding of the backstory and enhanced enjoyment. Fans of Mimi Matthews will not be disappointed, as she continues to deliver engaging stories with strong heroines, charming heroes, and impeccable historical detail. Appointment in Bath leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series, eagerly awaiting James Beresford and Hannah Heywoods love story.

Overall, Appointment in Bath is a delightful tale of forbidden love that skillfully explores the complexities of family dynamics, personal growth, and the enduring power of love. Mimi Matthews once again proves her prowess as a masterful storyteller in the realm of historical romance, leaving readers captivated and eager for more.

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