An American Beauty by Shana Abe

Book Title: An American Beauty

Author: Shana Abe

Publication Date:  April 25, 2023

Length: 352 pages

Genre: Historical Romance / Historical Fiction

Rating: 4 out of 5.


An American Beauty by Shana Abe

*** My Review ***

An American Beauty by Shana Abe is an engaging historical fiction novel that tells the inspiring story of Arabella Duvall Yarrington, also known as Belle, who became the wealthiest self-made woman in America during the Gilded Age.

The story begins in 1867 in Richmond, Virginia, where Belle works at a gambling parlor at the young age of seventeen. Her charm and wit catch the eye of Collins Huntington, a wealthy railroad baron. After getting to know each other, Collins arranges for Belle to move to New York City, but she knows she can’t rely solely on him and takes matters into her own hands.

Belle’s story is interwoven with the stories of her mother and young Clara, the daughter of Collins Huntington. The way their backstories are smoothly woven in with the main narrative is a testament to Shana Abe’s skill as a writer. The prose is captivating, and the characters are richly drawn.

The book does a fantastic job of immersing the reader in the world of the Gilded Age, with all its opulence, extravagance, and societal constraints. The three main characters are each unique in their own way, yet all share a common thread of determination and resilience. Arabella, Catherine, and Clara refuse to accept the limited roles that society has assigned to them based on their gender and social status. Instead, they strive to take control of their lives and shape their own destinies.

One of the most captivating aspects of the book is the way in which it sheds light on the treatment of women during this time period. The societal expectations placed upon them, the limitations imposed upon their freedoms and opportunities, and the blatant sexism they faced in all areas of their lives are all explored in great detail. It is truly inspiring to see these three women, despite all the odds stacked against them, refuse to be held down by these constraints and instead fight for the lives they want.

Another aspect of the book that I particularly enjoyed was the way in which it introduces readers to lesser-known historical figures such as Belle Huntington and her husband. Learning about the lives and struggles of these real people, and how they navigated the complex social and political landscape of their time, adds an extra layer of depth and richness to the story.

To be perfectly honest, the book transported me back in time to the bustling world of 19th century America, with its lavish mansions, stunning artwork, and opulent parties. Belle and Catherine’s story of resilience and determination to improve their lives was truly inspiring. The character of Collis, while initially appearing to be a benefactor, ultimately proves to be a complicated and morally ambiguous figure. The way in which Belle navigates their relationship and the backlash she faces from high society is a testament to her strength and resilience.

Furthermore, the book is marketed as a love story between Belle and Collins, but their romance does not begin until three-quarters of the way through the book. This is not a detraction from the story, as there is so much more that happens before their relationship becomes romantic.

Belle’s journey to becoming the wealthiest self-made woman in America is a testament to her intelligence, resilience, and determination. She was born into dire poverty and began her career working in a faro club. She eventually married one of the richest men of her time, Collins Huntington.

The book shows how Belle strategizes to secure her future, despite being a kept woman. She asks Collins for loans to buy property in different parts of the city as an investment, intending to pay him back once the lot is developed and profits can be divided. She knows that she could be discarded at any moment, so she plans for the future.

Despite being shunned by polite society for her affair with Collins, Belle manages to navigate high society with grace and poise. She shows that it is possible to forge one’s own path, even in a society that deems one unworthy. Belle’s character is an inspiration to women everywhere.

One of the strengths of An American Beauty is the way it portrays the complex relationship between Belle and Collins. They start as a mistress and a wealthy man with a family, but their relationship evolves over time. Belle is aware of the limitations of their relationship and plans for a future where she can stand on her own two feet. Collins, on the other hand, is portrayed as a man who is bewitched by Belle and is willing to do anything to keep her by his side.

The book transported me back in time to the bustling world of 19th century America, with its lavish mansions, stunning artwork, and opulent parties. Belle and Catherine’s story of resilience and determination to improve their lives was truly inspiring. The character of Collis, while initially appearing to be a benefactor, ultimately proves to be a complicated and morally ambiguous figure. The way in which Belle navigates their relationship and the backlash she faces from high society is a testament to her strength and resilience.

Another highlight of the book for me was the vivid descriptions of the various settings. From the bustling cities to the tranquil natural landscapes, the author’s attention to detail made me feel as though I was right there with the characters. The slow pace of the book initially had me worried, but as the story progressed and the tension began to build, I found myself unable to put the book down.

The book is not without its flaws. The ending feels rushed, with years passing and significant events happening quickly. It is challenging to absorb everything that happens in the final chapters. However, this is a minor criticism, and it does not detract from the overall quality of the book.

I was intrigued to learn that the real Arabella Huntington’s life is shrouded in mystery, leaving scholars to debate many of the details of her story. Abé’s acknowledgement of this in the Author’s Note added an extra layer of fascination to the book for me. Shana Abe provides additional information about the real-life Arabella Huntington, who inspired the book. She was the second wife of Collins Huntington, and their relationship began when she worked in a gambling house. Like the character in the book, Arabella was a savvy investor who amassed a fortune through shrewd business deals.

An American Beauty is an engrossing, entertaining, and easy-to-read novel that is perfect for fans of historical fiction. The author’s skillful writing brings Belle’s story to life, and the characters are richly drawn. It is an inspiring story of a woman who defied society’s expectations to become one of the wealthiest and most influential women of her time.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend An American Beauty to anyone who enjoys historical fiction. It is a well-written, engaging, and inspiring novel that will leave readers feeling empowered and inspired. Belle’s journey to becoming a self-made woman is a powerful example of what can be achieved through hard work, resilience, and determination. Shana Abe has done a wonderful job in bringing Belle’s story to life, and the book is sure to leave a lasting impression on its readers.

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