Always Remember by Mary Balogh

Book Title: Always Remember

Author: Mary Balogh

Series: Ravenswood

Publication Date: January 16, 2024

Length: 368 pages

Genre: Historical Romance


*** Review ***

In Mary Balogh’s enchanting novel, Always Remember, Lady Jennifer Arden and Ben Ellis find themselves entangled in a love deemed impossible by societal norms. As the third installment in the Ravenswood series, the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of Regency England, skillfully intertwining the lives of characters from previous novels.

Lady Jennifer, sister of the Duke of Wilby, faces the challenges of life in a wheelchair due to a childhood illness. Despite her physical limitations, she radiates joy and warmth, enjoying the pleasures of high society. Her secret dreams of marriage and dancing come to life when she crosses paths with Ben Ellis, the pragmatic fixer and bastard son of the late Earl of Stratton. Ben, recognizing Jennifer’s yearning for independence, embarks on a mission to help her discover a life beyond her crutches.

Balogh weaves a tapestry of emotions as Ben introduces Jennifer to a world of possibilities—driving carriages, swimming, and unconventional ways of walking. The growing bond between them, however, sparks concern and alarm within both families, navigating the complex web of societal expectations and class distinctions.

Personally, Always Remember struck a chord with me as a heartwarming tale within the Ravenswood series. The focus on Lady Jennifer, who faces physical challenges, and Ben, a widowed father with a charming daughter named Joy, adds layers of depth to the narrative. Ben’s acceptance into the Ware family, despite his status as a bastard son, is a testament to Balogh’s skill in portraying complex familial dynamics with warmth and authenticity.

The overarching theme of familial reconciliation in the Ravenswood series is evident in the way the Ware family grows back together, emphasizing the importance of acceptance and understanding. The love story between Ben and Jennifer unfolds amidst this backdrop, creating a touching narrative that resonates long after the final page.

Balogh’s writing style is reminiscent of Georgette Heyer, drawing readers into a world where characters, though initially flawed, evolve into individuals worth rooting for. The relatability of the characters’ struggles to find a sense of worth adds a layer of authenticity to the story, making the reader emotionally invest in their journey.

One of the notable strengths of Balogh’s storytelling is her ability to create characters that evolve throughout the narrative. Ben Ellis, the fixer with a heart of gold, and Lady Jennifer, with her resilient spirit, become more than just protagonists; they embody the triumph of love over adversity. Balogh skillfully navigates the emotional landscape of her characters, making them relatable and endearing.

The character of Ben’s daughter, Joy, is a delightful addition, stealing scenes with her precocious charm. Balogh’s attention to detail, such as Joy’s habit of cuddling a stuffie and putting its ear in her mouth when tired, adds endearing qualities to the narrative, making it resonate on a personal level.

While the story is undeniably adorable and sweet, as noted in my personal opinion, there are moments of confusion, particularly due to the abundance of secondary characters and varying perspectives. The different points of view, although providing depth, occasionally lead to distractions from the central narrative. The endless chatter and character descriptions, while at times necessary, may overshadow the core love story, slightly diminishing its impact.

In conclusion, Always Remember is a captivating addition to the Ravenswood series, offering a heartfelt exploration of love, family, and overcoming societal boundaries. Balogh’s ability to craft relatable characters and weave intricate familial dynamics ensures a memorable reading experience. Despite minor quibbles, the warmth and charm of this tale linger, leaving readers eagerly anticipating more from the Ravenswood family and the beloved “queen of Regency romance,” Mary Balogh.

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