A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham

A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham

Title: A Flicker in the Dark

Author: Stacy Willingham

Release Date: January 11, 2022

Length: 357 pages

Genre: Mystery/ Thriller

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Goodreads II Amazon

***My Review***

“A Flicker in the Dark” by Stacy Willingham is a suspenseful and emotionally charged novel that takes the reader on a thrilling ride through the world of criminal investigations and police work. The story is told from the perspective of Chloe Davis, a psychologist in private practice in Baton Rouge who is 32 years old, and who is haunted by a traumatic event from her past. As she delves deeper into the case she is working on, she finds herself confronted with new challenges and unexpected dangers.

Namely, when she was twelve, her father committed a crime that horrified a small community and tore families apart. Her father was the serial murderer who abducted and murdered six girls; he is currently rotting in prison after destroying so many lives.

Chloe has made an effort to move on, both with her forthcoming marriage to Daniel and her profession, which brings back too many painful memories for her. Chloe is a mess in real life; she uses alcohol and prescription drugs as self-medication.
She pays only sporadic visits to her mother, who is now a resident of a nursing home after trying suicide.

Throughout the course of the book, Chloe must confront her own demons and come to terms with the trauma she has experienced in her personal life.

One of the strengths of this novel is the complex and nuanced characters that populate its pages. Chloe is a compelling protagonist, and her struggles with the trauma of her past give her depth and richness that makes her more than just a one-dimensional psychologist. The supporting characters are also well-drawn, with each member of the victim’s family being given a distinct personality and backstory.

For the most part, the novel’s pace is done brilliantly.
The book does have some really sluggish passages, though, and there are several repeats. Yet, the narrative often proceeds quickly, leaving the reader eager for the next chapter.
Throughout the book, Willingham skillfully elicits anxiety and suspense, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat.

This book has certain elements that I really enjoy, and for a first, it’s fairly good, but overall, I found it to be a mixed bag of a read. You can really relate to Chloe’s character because of how effectively she is presented, and I like how it is obvious that she is an unreliable narrator.

It effectively illustrates the effects of her childhood trauma since it seems as though she and her family are also serving life sentences. The novel’s setting in Louisiana contributes to the mood, which the author effectively exploits.

Yet a lot of the time is spent inside Chloe’s brain as she obsesses, freaks out, overindulges in booze and prescription medications, pushes her nose in inappropriate places, and generally stumbles around confused and paranoid. 

Another theme of the novel is the idea of redemption. Chloe is a character who is searching for redemption, both for herself and for others. She believes that everyone is capable of change and that even the most flawed individuals can find a way to make amends for their past mistakes.

Red herrings abound, and the novel is fast-paced with plenty of details to help the reader picture what is happening. Although the conclusion is predictable, there are surprises in store for you before it.

In conclusion, “A Flicker in the Dark” is a powerful and engaging novel that combines a suspenseful psychological thriller with complex character development and emotional depth.

The story is expertly crafted, with a strong sense of pacing and tension that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. From this debut novel, we can see that Stacy Willingham is a talented writer, and this novel is a testament to her skill and vision. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys psychological thrillers or character-driven dramas.

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