A Bundle of Historical Romances I Really Loved

I really enjoy historical romances – books that manage to transport me to some distant times, when there were different principles and rules, where other qualities were valued and life was greatly different from our everyday life. I’m not sure if their appeal is in the diversity or in the opportunity they offer me to experience something outside of the ordinary…

And believe me, I have read a huge number of historical romances, some of which delighted me, some of which disappointed me… Somehow I don’t manage to experience the books that are simply too similar to this reality of ours, to our everyday life, with modern characters, and modern beliefs, the only historical thing in the book is the setting- the ballroom for example.

And just as I am writing this post, I realize that my favorites are several historical romances that were written in the past, books with an interesting way of writing that draws the reader in to live the story, the century, and the environment. Books from which I expect to be captivated by the sumptuous narration that manages to take me years back, to feel the smells of that time, the music of that time, but also the pain and deprivation…

Choosing my favorites is no easy task, I am more than sure that these few unquestionably deserve to be on that list.

A Bundle of Historical Romances I Really Loved

Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught

This story is simply captivating … A book that certainly kept me awake… A unique mix of rich descriptions, interesting characters, and scenes that will horrify and delight you at the same time.  Witty, sparkling, and romantic, disturbing at times, yet deeply satisfying, with unusual depth, perfectly developed characters, and a twisting plot, Withney, my love should simply be a must-read for all those who love historical romances.

Just one more detail worth mentioning is that this is Judith McNaught’s first book, and believe me that reading this book, the reader could never guess that, Just the opposite, turning the pages, I had the feeling I was reading some experienced author’s creation with a superb writing style and compelling descriptions.

Fires of Winter by Johanna Lindsey

An old-school romance with an intensity that will consume the reader and a romantic aspect that can shock and delight at the time, Fires of Winter is without a doubt a book that will leave you indifferent.

Rivetingly turbulent, with compelling descriptions and almost likable characters, this book will take you on a journey through the Viking culture, offering you all the necessary elements for a good historical romance.

What I loved the most about the book is that the author didn’t even try to sugarcoat the harsh reality of the period. I was absolutely delighted that the Viking culture wasn’t romanticized at all, on the contrary, it was poured into the pages with all its barbaric glory. Clashing cultures, killings, and rapes mixed with the perfect dosage of tenderness and love are a guaranteed way to delight every historical romance reader.

The Duke by Gaelen Foley

Carefully researched and spiced with the perfect amount of real historical elements and figures, the Duke is one of the best historical romances I’ve ever read ( and re-read a couple of times). But no matter how many times I’ve read it, this book never fails to shock me with its honest depiction and seriousness of the content covered. Being exposed to a surge of so-called historical romances that over-romanticize the past, thus forming unreal pictures about the reality of everyday life in that period, this book infuses a huge dose of freshness with its decadent and dark depiction of a society in a distant time. The reality of courtesan life, court intrigues, infidelity as part of everyday life, rape as a common occurrence but also the search for love and acceptance are just part of the elements that make this book a rare jewel in the array of worthless bijoux of historical romances to which we are exposed today.

A Bundle of Historical Romances I Really Loved

The Bride by Julie Garwood

To make a list of remarkable historical romances without including a love story set in the Scottish highlands and a sexy highlander as the main hero is absolutely unforgivable. Among the great number of Highlander romances I have truly enjoyed, I have to choose The Bride by Julie Garwood as my favorite. Maybe it is not the best, but it is my first, thus becoming genuinely important to me.

This book literally hooked me from the very first pages and didn’t let go until the very end. I enjoyed every single description of this wonderful story about the sweet romance between the disobedient English lass and the mighty Scottish Laird. I am sure that every romance reader will be amazed by the great setup, the gripping storyline, and the vast amount of witty banter, accompanied by lots of sexy, steamy scenes. Historical accuracy doesn’t honestly bother you when you embark on this journey that will bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart.

Winter’s Heat by Denise Domning

I wasn’t actually sure whether to include this particular book in this list, but the more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that this medieval romance is definitely worthy to be mentioned here. With an elaborated plot that revolves around a problematic, yet real aspect of the period, twists and turns that will keep you nailed to the pages, and likable characters., so greatly developed and true to the period, Winter’s Heat is a true delicacy in this bookish world filled with historical romances that feature 21-century characters in old times houses and places. I must admit that I was truly delighted by the heroine whose strength and determination overshadowed the grumpiness of the hero. Also, the mere thought of how limited the women’s choices and options were was absolutely mind-boggling and so perfectly presented through the lines of this book.

Maybe you like my choice, maybe not….

However, if you have any suggestions for a good historical romance, please share them with me

2 thoughts on “A Bundle of Historical Romances I Really Loved”

  1. Pingback: Review: The Secret by Julie Garwood - Lost in Bookland

  2. Pingback: A Castaway in Cornwall by Julie Klassen  - Lost in Bookland

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