A Body in a Cornish Village by Dee MacDonald

Book Title: A Body in a Cornish Village

Author: Dee MacDonald

Series: Kate Palmer #7

Publication Date: August 17, 2023

Length: 285 pages

Genre: Mystery / Thriller

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


A Body in a Cornish Village by Dee MacDonald

*** Review ***

A Body in a Cornish Village by Dee MacDonald is a captivating English murder mystery novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey to the scenic seaside village of Tinworthy. The story revolves around Kate Palmer, a part-time nurse with a penchant for solving crimes, as she finds herself embroiled in a murder investigation during the filming of a new TV show in her hometown. When the show’s writer and producer, Crispin Wyngarde, is found dead, suspicions fall on Kate’s sister Angie, leading her to unravel a web of secrets and possible motives. With a brilliant cast of characters, a picturesque setting, and a cleverly woven plot, this book offers a delightful experience for lovers of cozy mysteries.

As I delved into the pages of A Body in a Cornish Village, I found myself transported to the charming seaside haven of Tinworthy, where Cornish cream teas and sandy dog walks set the scene for a delightful English murder mystery. Dee MacDonald weaves a tale that combines the idyllic beauty of the location with the dark allure of a murder investigation, making it an absolute treat for lovers of cozy mysteries.

The story unfolds with excitement as the village buzzes with anticipation for a new TV show set to be filmed there. Our endearing protagonist, Kate Palmer, couldn’t be more thrilled to be part of the production alongside her handsome husband Woody and her eccentric sister Angie. But what was supposed to be a thrilling experience takes a sinister turn when the show’s writer and producer, Crispin Wyngarde, is found dead.

MacDonald masterfully crafts a web of intrigue, setting Angie in the spotlight as a prime suspect for the murder. However, Kate’s unwavering belief in her sister’s innocence prompts her to embark on a quest to unveil the true culprit. The list of suspects grows, with jealousy, old flames, and grudges all playing their parts in this intriguing Whodunit tale.

One of the highlights of A Body in a Cornish Village is the well-written and endearing cast of characters. From the gin-swilling sister Angie to the ever-charming Kate Palmer herself, the village’s inhabitants feel like old friends, bringing warmth and authenticity to the narrative. MacDonald’s talent lies in creating quirky and unforgettable personalities that truly make the story come alive.

The picturesque Cornish setting serves as an enchanting backdrop to the unfolding drama, painting vivid scenes of the village and its locals. Readers are sure to be captivated by the cozy atmosphere, making them feel like part of the tight-knit community.

As a fan of the series, I was sad to learn that A Body in a Cornish Village marked the seventh and final installment in the Kate Palmer Mystery series. Throughout the books, I have grown attached to the characters, and they have become like family to me. However, while the series may be concluding, I am eagerly looking forward to the promised new series from Dee MacDonald.

The author’s writing style is impeccable, as always, and her ability to balance humor with suspense shines through in this book. The witty banter and quirky interactions between characters add a lighthearted touch that offsets the gravity of the murder investigation, making it a thoroughly enjoyable read.

I appreciate how the novel ties up loose ends and brings closure to several story arcs, giving the characters and the series as a whole a satisfying conclusion. The plot is skillfully executed, full of unexpected twists that kept me guessing until the very last page.

In conclusion, A Body in a Cornish Village is a must-read for fans of murder mysteries with a personal touch. Dee MacDonald’s ability to create a vivid world filled with lovable characters and a captivating plot is commendable. If you relish the allure of cozy mysteries set in picturesque locations, this book will undoubtedly leave you hooked.

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